The Musical Fox (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/10/11 | Reply
Hey there buddy! =3 Its been quite a long time since i've seen you!! Back when myotaku was still lively =D But ive been getting on theotaku more, and was going through my friend list and was glad to see that you are still around and doing very well =3
Yes, well I've been studying for quite some time. :) Of course it started out with anime...learning a little bit at a time, but many years ago I decided to teach myself, getting all sorts of books and things. Then in high school for 2 years I took Japanese. It was an online course. ^^ We didn't learn much kanji though. I still hardly know any of them, but I did know that it didn't say "love." Love is written with one character, but in the tag they had two together. ^_^
*hugs* Yes indeedy!! <3 You're such a wonderful person, and I'm glad we met and now have learned so many different things about one another. :)
Lol yup. Like there's this one friend I have that always TEXTS me such things! Forward after forward (tags) everyday! .__. So annoying.
Wow you are awesome at Japanese, knowing that those symbols weren't love ~ Envious ~ Is that an anime influence or have you studied away from the TV/laptop? Fantastic, and yikes on all the taggings ~ Monster hugs ~ Definitely not envious of that lol. I too am glad we have become friends and I hope it continues for many more years to come ~ Thumbs up and Bows ~
Yes, I remembered you didn't like tagging, but I still wanted to share it with I said lol! I don't like tags either, and yet people are always sending them to me. I don't believe in the whole "send it to this many people or else..." stuff. :/ As for the kanji they used for Love...surprisingly, I don't think it says love! ^^; I'll have to look it up, but those didn't look like the characters that I know for love lol. *hugs* I'm so glad that we became friends all those years ago and that we still are!
****edit: I just looked it up! It says "thinking of you." Aww.
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 5:45:56 PM EDT on June 1, 2010.
Wow I like how they did love as well, were the symbols those of love itself as a word? I deleted it because I don't like being tagged ~ Bows ~ I prefer things written to me personally, but it was a nice share and I love you as a friend as well. Especially after adding you on facebook and getting that more real life connection as well. I think that is awesome ~ Monster hugs ~ I hope you are having an awesome Tuesday,
Sorry I don't normally do these tag things lol. XD But I just thought it was pretty how they made the word "love". :) And I do love you as a wonderful friend! ^_^
HOLA!!!!!! I was reading OLD myotaku gbs and you did something no one ever did for me ever
you gave me bloods *sobs* your so nice *crys*
anywho feel free to pm me anytime or not *smile* anywho byez!!!
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
Hey Dranzer how are you?? How its been a while..Sorry for the late sign hehe...Still try to find most of my buddies back in the old Version...I have to go back to Myotaku every time i want to find someone.....Well Glad to see your still here..Take care..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
browsing around this site and suddenly I was hit with lightning from above as I came to the realisation of not having respond on your guestbook yet.. *feels ashamed*
So here I am with a signature for you.. :D
Thanks for all the help you've given me over the entire site
and for getting me back on here *grins and shakes heaD*
Just don't tease me to often
I'm making them get one later today (so they will be soon--and all I have to do is ask and they'll do whatever I say because I'm an angel like that *Nods*). Both of my brothers are addicted to the same things I am (which is kinda weird), but I'm getting used to it. I've never had to complain about my brothers (not that I can recall anyway), and I will hopefully never have to.
xD They whimpered and said: "Aw great--they really do outnumber us by a lot, don't they?" Poor them. I feel so bad.
I usually fav, hug, and comment all in one go (but that's only because it's easy to clickity click thing and type like the craziness). And if I can't do it in one go, I usually fav it and come back later to comment and hug. Commenting = feedback = good = proven activeness. :)
Are your brothers members of the site as well? It sounds as though they must be. My brother tried joining once but couldn't get into it and so stopped coming by ~ Laughs ~ I was quite relieved to be honest as having him reading my posts could have got uncomfortable ~ Has probably complained about him a few times in the past lol ~ I wish your brothers luck hunting down the male members, the girls definitely outnumber them by quite a large number ~ Smiles ~
As for active members there are a few but I tend to count those who comment not just fav and things, as active (which is probably the wrong way to do it as looking is still active!) but when I saw you were commenting it was like, 'yes a truly active member.'
Having two other siblings is a mess, and we all looks alike so it's even worse. D: Good thing mom can tell the difference between us, cause I don't see it at all! The three of us get along well, but Damian and Alucard are a little on edge about making friends who aren't male. They're shy around girls (I think it's funny :)).
Well, it's good to know everyone is friendly. :) People who aren't friendly aren't much fun (so Damian says at least).
Oh? So not a lot of members are active? Well, that's never good (but then again, maybe it's my opinion). I commented on RikusWings stuff (she's the one who invited me here in the first place). I plan on finding other things as well. :)
Uhh you from the UK? ~ Giant monster hugs you ~ I am as well ~ Nods ~ I agree on the costume thing. I was once tempted to cosplay with my brother to a convention but we either forgot or chickened out of going so didn't have to look. It would probably an ordering offline thing unless you are gifted with a sewing machine ~ Thumbs up ~ If you give it a go you are definitely going to have to show off some pictures ~ Thumbs up ~
-laughs- Yeah Now Remember xD It Was Around The Time I Was Still Obsessed With Kakashi Hatake x3 I Ended Up Loseing Touch With People Here On TheO Aswell When I Moved Across The Country.
I Just Recently Came Back And Got Myself Up To The Rank I Probably Would Have Already Gotten To (( If I Hadn't Left >x< )) In Less Then Thre Months -dances happily- @.@ I Think What Kept Me Away At First Was How Much It All Changed -falls over laughing now-
-shakes hand- x3 Yesh It Is Nice To Meet You Again >;D I Knew The Giant Spiders Thing Was You xD When I Came Back I Was Trying To Put A Name To The One With The Spiders I Just Couldn't Remember -shreds newspaper-
>:} I Seem To Be Getting Somewhere With These Vergil Pictures >:D And Now I Have People x3 At Least Their Trying To Help Me Find The Pics -almost dies laughing now-
^-^ Anyways I'm Glad To Have Finally Remade Contact With An Old MYO Friend ;D And Now I Have Run Out Of Things To Say So I'll Leave It At This For Now x3
Thanks for the signature, I'm going to have to try cosplay, already I've lots of people saying I should do it! Wouldn't even know where to find a costume in the UK!
I was thinking the very familiar part about your site name as well though i think we have to go back a couple of years ~ Laughs ~ I think I knew you before I took a break for God knows how long and when I came back I lost touch with a lot of people. I have a hunch that you might have been one of them ~ Grins ~ It would explain why you are so good at comments if you are a MyO veteran. I am thinking that if you have de-ja vu too then we must have known each other before ~ Giant monster hugs you and then shakes your hand ~ In that case pleased to meet you again (and if not then pleased to meet you anyway lol!)
Uhh and good luck with your hunting for Vergil pictures, it shall be interesting to see what you find. Maybe by the end of this hunt we shall have fully converted you into a Vergil fan ~ Puts hands together and laughs evilly ~
All the best,
PS: I don't mind having to read book comments ~ Laughs ~ They can be rather enjoyable I find
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
-is tackle hugged- @,@ You're... Welcome... -laughs- x3 A Real Comment? xD -falls over- Yeah I Can Understand Why You Would Be Happy To See Something Other Then A One Worded Comment >x< It's Almost Like The Comment Is Just Spam Or Like The Person Doesn't Really Appreciate Your Work Like Someone Who At Least Writes A Scentence Or Something xD Now I'm Not Asking Them To Write A Book Like I Do But More Then One Word Would Be Nice
-sits up now and checks out your MYO- O.O Hey This Page Looks VERY Familiar... xD The Thing About The Spiders Is What's Giving Me Dejavu e.e -ponders- >x< Curses...
>:3 So You're A DMC Fan Aswell Eh? -chuckles- x3 I Will Have To Keep Looking For More Pics To Turn Into Wallpapers Then -starts searching again- e,e Now If I COuld Just Find More Pics Of Vergil -remembers- :D That's RIGHT I HAVE Another Pic -happy dance- YEAY!
;D Anyway's I'll Stop Before You Have A Book To Read ;3 Thanks For The Comment/Siggy/Subcription And I'm Glad You Like The DMC Wallpapers! See You Round TheO!
My brother is Wu as well though he is allied with Zhou Tai instead, though we did do Xtreme mode with Lu Xun not that long ago and my brother wasn't complaining too much ~ Laughs ~ It is good to meet another fan
yea i really like LuXun alot in dynasty warriors..
i'm a big fan^^oh ur a fan of Wei..i'm Wu hehe
well..n nice too meet u too^^
hope to see u around^^
You might not remember me, but I happened to recognize your username.
I believe we met long ago in the days of myOtaku.
Those were good times... ah, good times.
Anyways, because I spotted you around theO, I thought I'd drop by and sign your guestbook. ^-^
Well, be seeing ya! Later!
Wow awesome. I have never met anyone from Thailand before ~ Shakes hand ~ Very very pleased to meet you. Love the avatar as well ~ Winks ~ Totally couldn't have guessed you were an Allen fan? I think Allen and Kanda are great when they have scenes together ~ Smiles ~ Do you have a favourite Noah as well or do you firmly side with the Exorcists? ~ Bows ~ many thanks for the compliments on my work too, are you doing to be uploading some of your own sometime too?
Hehe, I have Photoshop CS4 on my computer but I never use it because it's hard to figure out. It's suppose to be 10 times easier but it's hard to get use to all the different features that I'm so use to GIMP. Thanks for the comment, hope we can be friends :)
Wow steph is are back how are ya XD .It´s been like ages since I saw you :3(I was starting to think you turned into a hermit or something) .Well wonderfull to have you back at last :3.
hi and thanks for commenting on my work,you should check out some of my other drawings if you want-anycase it's always good to hear from some new people-have a great day.
HAY THAR! I'm stopping by on all my friend's worlds now, just now starting. Lol I'm signing this now. Signed. YAY! LOL forgive me, I'm hyper right now. See ya around!
hi :3, you aleady have alot of comments here so mine wouldn't hurt :) thanks so much for your awesome comment and subscribing ^^ means alot. I hope we can talk some friends! I think we do have around the same kinda humor.Maybe thats way i love your e-cards sooo much. ok then tAke care ~laters
Hello, fellow D.Gray-Man fan!! =D Your cards are AMAZING and your fan art interests me very much, especially your Tyki ones lol! Many thanks and hope to see more from you!!
hello!^^ it´s me again!!!!!!^^
i guess this doesn´t fit really much but i want you to know something (and if i write it down here i´ll be sure you´ll read it):pleaaase try kanda!!!!!!!!!! he is not that difficult he might seem! and you really are able to get him right! i know this for sure!
o.k. now i´m waiting and i hope i sometimes will see one kanda of yours. ah! there is one more thing to say...keep on with your work! i really love it!^^
greetings, AnBu^^
maybe you remember me...and i hope you read this. i decided to say *thanx!!!!^^* once here because i don´t know if you look twice on my pics were you left a commi.
i´m really glad for your commis and i´ll try my best in future so you won´t get disappointed!!^o^
o.k., enough stuff from me! i´m here to say: YOU ARE A GREAT ARTWORKER! o.k., using this word sounds silly but that´s me. you know? most off all i really love your cards! there really beautiful!
keep on, i´ll keep on watching for you!^^
greetings, AnBu^^
Thanks so much, for the sign and subscription. Ha, ha well I do have stories about him, I might feel like talking about that one day. ;b_smile: You really are interesting though, I'll be sure to stick around for you too, well then I'll see you.
HOOOOOOOOORAY!!! I'm so glad that you graduated!!! *claps* Part-time archeologist aaaaaaaaand a tornado chaser? YOU. RULE!!!!!!! I swear, my friends are so awesome! I love your art (Tyki-pon~ :D) and you're amazingly funny!!!! *hops up and down* I'm hyper right now. You like X-Men Evo? YEEEEEEEEEEES! Nightcrawler's my fave! X3 See ya later, Mag-chan!! *runs off in a random direction* GAHAHAHAHAHA!! >:D
Hey there, you were wondering why I subscribed and yet don't comment often. It's the same as always, I get busy and when you only update on myOtaku, I do not follow updates over there anymore other than to read.
I'm sure you can understand why my priority is to this side of things. ^_~ I still try to keep up with what people are doing though. So, see you around.
Hello there Magnus! *huggles* You have left sooo many wonderful comments on my e-cards, so I have to thank you! Thank you very much! X3 You have some very lovely art, cards, and wallpapers! Wow, you are so talented to be able to make all of those! =D Keep it up!
I hope you don't mind me subscribing to you. I hope we can become good friends and if you ever want to talk, please feel free to message me! ^_^ Take care!
Magnus!! ::*tackles with hugs*:: YOU ARE BACK!?
Sheesh, I've been gone waaay too long. Did you ever get my letter I sent out. I never got a return so I was wondering. =[
I am definitely adding you back. I've missed you.
"Have you fallen in love?" "No, but I've stepped on it."
Hiya! I finally getting around to signing folks guest books, better late than never I guess. LoL Sorry I haven't been around real life has been really busy and when it hasn't I admit I've been really lazy! Hope you've been doing good and having all kinds of fun!! Take care of yourself and see you around!
Yay, I can finally sign this! I was unable to do so before cause of the stupid coding problem (which explains y I never comment on ur worlds, cause I never know when u update T.T) But now I can! XD
So I'll be able to keep up with ur submissions now too^^ (I read ur fanword btw, it was really good! o.o) C ya around!
Hi there! It's been a long while. I couldn't get to you before because there was this bug that logs me out when I try to access your portfolio. I'm glad it's been resolved now. You gotta give it to Adam.
Anyway, I'm sorry for not keeping up with your updates since I've got college to deal with, but I'll try to comment whenever I can :) I hope we can still keep in touch. See you around!
~Kirigakure no Kage~
P.S. I guess no one's visiting myOtaku now that everyone's caught up by this new World feature, you should probably update here more often. The comment page in myOtaku is, as Adam says it himself, "hideous" >_
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
Heh heh heh. I can finally sign your gb! XD Now what to say? What to say? XD You know you're one of the best people on here. ^^ I'm so happy to have met you. *hugs*
You're such a wonderful friend. ^^ And you know just how to motivate me. XD *pets the posting bugs*
And how can I sign your gb without giving something to your spiders? O.o *gives them a lot of raw meat* I hope they like it. X3
Hey Magnus! I'm so glad to see you on TheO! *hugs* It's nice to see people who are from MyO come here as well. I do miss MyO though, but no one seems to get on it anymore, which is a real shame. I miss my good friends. I guess change isn't always favorable...
Ah well, no time to be sad and such! It's good to see you alive and active! Please come by and sign my GB if you get the chance. ^^
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
Glad to see you around these parts Magnus! I'm still trying to find all my old friends on VV. I wasn't aware you had a world here until I saw you on Raina's page. I am still not liking VV, but what can ya do? This is the 3rd time I've signed your GB, btw... it wouldn't let me sign it the couple of times, so lets see if this works! Take care.
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/08 | Reply
I made it!! Finally... Never thought I was going to make it over here... LOL... well since I did this once here is a new thing I am doing hope you like it...
'Life is short, Break the rules, forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.'
Ha ha yeah definitely have to sign your gb! It's been a long while no? Matter of fact you're still not back but when you do come back, I'll be here. Thanks a whole bunch for being the super awesome person you are. Well, I'll see you in May hopefully and keep on keepin' on. Love ya lots.
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/26/14 | Reply
Hey there Magnus! I missed being on a blog! I hope to see you around again!!
The Musical Fox (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/10/11 | Reply
Hey there buddy! =3 Its been quite a long time since i've seen you!! Back when myotaku was still lively =D But ive been getting on theotaku more, and was going through my friend list and was glad to see that you are still around and doing very well =3
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 06/02/10 | Reply
@Magnus Lensherr:
Yes, well I've been studying for quite some time. :) Of course it started out with anime...learning a little bit at a time, but many years ago I decided to teach myself, getting all sorts of books and things. Then in high school for 2 years I took Japanese. It was an online course. ^^ We didn't learn much kanji though. I still hardly know any of them, but I did know that it didn't say "love." Love is written with one character, but in the tag they had two together. ^_^
*hugs* Yes indeedy!! <3 You're such a wonderful person, and I'm glad we met and now have learned so many different things about one another. :)
Lol yup. Like there's this one friend I have that always TEXTS me such things! Forward after forward (tags) everyday! .__. So annoying.
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/10 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Wow you are awesome at Japanese, knowing that those symbols weren't love ~ Envious ~ Is that an anime influence or have you studied away from the TV/laptop? Fantastic, and yikes on all the taggings ~ Monster hugs ~ Definitely not envious of that lol. I too am glad we have become friends and I hope it continues for many more years to come ~ Thumbs up and Bows ~
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 06/01/10 | Reply
@Magnus Lensherr:
Yes, I remembered you didn't like tagging, but I still wanted to share it with I said lol! I don't like tags either, and yet people are always sending them to me. I don't believe in the whole "send it to this many people or else..." stuff. :/ As for the kanji they used for Love...surprisingly, I don't think it says love! ^^; I'll have to look it up, but those didn't look like the characters that I know for love lol. *hugs* I'm so glad that we became friends all those years ago and that we still are!
****edit: I just looked it up! It says "thinking of you." Aww.
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 5:45:56 PM EDT on June 1, 2010.
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/10 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Wow I like how they did love as well, were the symbols those of love itself as a word? I deleted it because I don't like being tagged ~ Bows ~ I prefer things written to me personally, but it was a nice share and I love you as a friend as well. Especially after adding you on facebook and getting that more real life connection as well. I think that is awesome ~ Monster hugs ~ I hope you are having an awesome Tuesday,
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 05/30/10 | Reply
Sorry I don't normally do these tag things lol. XD But I just thought it was pretty how they made the word "love". :) And I do love you as a wonderful friend! ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
HOLA!!!!!! I was reading OLD myotaku gbs and you did something no one ever did for me ever
you gave me bloods *sobs* your so nice *crys*
anywho feel free to pm me anytime or not *smile* anywho byez!!!
evil guys are hot
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
OMG Magnus Lensherr - I had no idea you were still on here! Granted, I only really post fanart on theO without doing much else, are you?
Maybe I should be more active on theO, I mean, I have now officially finished school so I have the time to be...hmm...*contemplates*
*laughs* I'm the same as ever, as you can probably see.
Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Last edited by evil guys are hot at 11:58:38 AM EDT on June 1, 2009.
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/28/09 | Reply
I miss reading your delightful posts on myO!
I'm getting into the groove of theO, so yeah... I'll see you around here more!
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
Hey Dranzer how are you?? How its been a while..Sorry for the late sign hehe...Still try to find most of my buddies back in the old Version...I have to go back to Myotaku every time i want to find someone.....Well Glad to see your still here..Take care..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/19/09 | Reply
Hello nee-san!!
browsing around this site and suddenly I was hit with lightning from above as I came to the realisation of not having respond on your guestbook yet.. *feels ashamed*
So here I am with a signature for you.. :D
Thanks for all the help you've given me over the entire site
and for getting me back on here *grins and shakes heaD*
Just don't tease me to often
Talk to you soon and giant monster hugs!!
Breath of Spring
Otakuite | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
@Magnus Lensherr:
I'm making them get one later today (so they will be soon--and all I have to do is ask and they'll do whatever I say because I'm an angel like that *Nods*). Both of my brothers are addicted to the same things I am (which is kinda weird), but I'm getting used to it. I've never had to complain about my brothers (not that I can recall anyway), and I will hopefully never have to.
xD They whimpered and said: "Aw great--they really do outnumber us by a lot, don't they?" Poor them. I feel so bad.
I usually fav, hug, and comment all in one go (but that's only because it's easy to clickity click thing and type like the craziness). And if I can't do it in one go, I usually fav it and come back later to comment and hug. Commenting = feedback = good = proven activeness. :)
~~Crina Cydonia
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
@Breath of Spring:
Are your brothers members of the site as well? It sounds as though they must be. My brother tried joining once but couldn't get into it and so stopped coming by ~ Laughs ~ I was quite relieved to be honest as having him reading my posts could have got uncomfortable ~ Has probably complained about him a few times in the past lol ~ I wish your brothers luck hunting down the male members, the girls definitely outnumber them by quite a large number ~ Smiles ~
As for active members there are a few but I tend to count those who comment not just fav and things, as active (which is probably the wrong way to do it as looking is still active!) but when I saw you were commenting it was like, 'yes a truly active member.'
All the best,
yatta loony
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/22/09 | Reply
if you love my username then you will LOVE one of my characters!
Breath of Spring
Otakuite | Posted 03/22/09 | Reply
Having two other siblings is a mess, and we all looks alike so it's even worse. D: Good thing mom can tell the difference between us, cause I don't see it at all! The three of us get along well, but Damian and Alucard are a little on edge about making friends who aren't male. They're shy around girls (I think it's funny :)).
Well, it's good to know everyone is friendly. :) People who aren't friendly aren't much fun (so Damian says at least).
Oh? So not a lot of members are active? Well, that's never good (but then again, maybe it's my opinion). I commented on RikusWings stuff (she's the one who invited me here in the first place). I plan on finding other things as well. :)
Thank you. :)
~~Crina Cydonia
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/18/09 | Reply
Uhh you from the UK? ~ Giant monster hugs you ~ I am as well ~ Nods ~ I agree on the costume thing. I was once tempted to cosplay with my brother to a convention but we either forgot or chickened out of going so didn't have to look. It would probably an ordering offline thing unless you are gifted with a sewing machine ~ Thumbs up ~ If you give it a go you are definitely going to have to show off some pictures ~ Thumbs up ~
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/18/09 | Reply
@Magnus Lensherr:
oh ic^^my sis is da qiao n xiao qiao..

well...she love to say that Luxun is a gay... because he looks like a girl
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
@Magnus Lensherr:
-laughs- Yeah Now Remember xD It Was Around The Time I Was Still Obsessed With Kakashi Hatake x3 I Ended Up Loseing Touch With People Here On TheO Aswell When I Moved Across The Country.
I Just Recently Came Back And Got Myself Up To The Rank I Probably Would Have Already Gotten To (( If I Hadn't Left >x< )) In Less Then Thre Months -dances happily- @.@ I Think What Kept Me Away At First Was How Much It All Changed -falls over laughing now-
-shakes hand- x3 Yesh It Is Nice To Meet You Again >;D I Knew The Giant Spiders Thing Was You xD When I Came Back I Was Trying To Put A Name To The One With The Spiders I Just Couldn't Remember -shreds newspaper-
>:} I Seem To Be Getting Somewhere With These Vergil Pictures >:D And Now I Have People x3 At Least Their Trying To Help Me Find The Pics -almost dies laughing now-
^-^ Anyways I'm Glad To Have Finally Remade Contact With An Old MYO Friend ;D And Now I Have Run Out Of Things To Say So I'll Leave It At This For Now x3
Otakuite | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
Thanks for the signature, I'm going to have to try cosplay, already I've lots of people saying I should do it! Wouldn't even know where to find a costume in the UK!
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
I was thinking the very familiar part about your site name as well though i think we have to go back a couple of years ~ Laughs ~ I think I knew you before I took a break for God knows how long and when I came back I lost touch with a lot of people. I have a hunch that you might have been one of them ~ Grins ~ It would explain why you are so good at comments if you are a MyO veteran. I am thinking that if you have de-ja vu too then we must have known each other before ~ Giant monster hugs you and then shakes your hand ~ In that case pleased to meet you again (and if not then pleased to meet you anyway lol!)
Uhh and good luck with your hunting for Vergil pictures, it shall be interesting to see what you find. Maybe by the end of this hunt we shall have fully converted you into a Vergil fan ~ Puts hands together and laughs evilly ~
All the best,
PS: I don't mind having to read book comments ~ Laughs ~ They can be rather enjoyable I find
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
-is tackle hugged- @,@ You're... Welcome... -laughs- x3 A Real Comment? xD -falls over- Yeah I Can Understand Why You Would Be Happy To See Something Other Then A One Worded Comment >x< It's Almost Like The Comment Is Just Spam Or Like The Person Doesn't Really Appreciate Your Work Like Someone Who At Least Writes A Scentence Or Something xD Now I'm Not Asking Them To Write A Book Like I Do But More Then One Word Would Be Nice
-sits up now and checks out your MYO- O.O Hey This Page Looks VERY Familiar... xD The Thing About The Spiders Is What's Giving Me Dejavu e.e -ponders- >x< Curses...
>:3 So You're A DMC Fan Aswell Eh? -chuckles- x3 I Will Have To Keep Looking For More Pics To Turn Into Wallpapers Then -starts searching again- e,e Now If I COuld Just Find More Pics Of Vergil -remembers- :D That's RIGHT I HAVE Another Pic -happy dance- YEAY!
;D Anyway's I'll Stop Before You Have A Book To Read ;3 Thanks For The Comment/Siggy/Subcription And I'm Glad You Like The DMC Wallpapers! See You Round TheO!
The Bone Snatcher
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
You have awesomness artwork!
Your ecards are so funny, they rule! Lets be friends - you can never have too many friends!
See you around XD
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
My brother is Wu as well though he is allied with Zhou Tai instead, though we did do Xtreme mode with Lu Xun not that long ago and my brother wasn't complaining too much ~ Laughs ~ It is good to meet another fan
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply

yea i really like LuXun alot in dynasty warriors..
i'm a big fan^^oh ur a fan of Wei..i'm Wu hehe
well..n nice too meet u too^^
hope to see u around^^
vampire kiss
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/16/09 | Reply
ahhhh *sits back with a cup of coco* its good to see some old otaku legends still being around...:)
v k
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/16/09 | Reply
You might not remember me, but I happened to recognize your username.
I believe we met long ago in the days of myOtaku.
Those were good times... ah, good times.
Anyways, because I spotted you around theO, I thought I'd drop by and sign your guestbook. ^-^
Well, be seeing ya! Later!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Hello! If you don't already have an apprentice (Haha.) I was wondering if you would be my mentor!
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Wow awesome. I have never met anyone from Thailand before ~ Shakes hand ~ Very very pleased to meet you. Love the avatar as well ~ Winks ~ Totally couldn't have guessed you were an Allen fan? I think Allen and Kanda are great when they have scenes together ~ Smiles ~ Do you have a favourite Noah as well or do you firmly side with the Exorcists? ~ Bows ~ many thanks for the compliments on my work too, are you doing to be uploading some of your own sometime too?
Otakuite | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
I love your work. It is fantastic.

It is a willpower to create my own stuff.
Otakuite | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Hi!!! My new friend.
Thanks for your signature in my guestbook.
Nice to meet you! It is good to know who like D.Gray-man like me.
You are from England. Wow!! I dream to travel to England.
I am from Thailand. It is in Asia.
My favorite Exorcist is Allen.>///<
He is caring and loyal.
See you around!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
hi Magnus Lensherr
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
Hehe, I have Photoshop CS4 on my computer but I never use it because it's hard to figure out. It's suppose to be 10 times easier but it's hard to get use to all the different features that I'm so use to GIMP. Thanks for the comment, hope we can be friends :)
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/09 | Reply
Wow steph is are back how are ya XD .It´s been like ages since I saw you :3(I was starting to think you turned into a hermit or something) .Well wonderfull to have you back at last :3.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/22/09 | Reply
haven't seen you around but I'll sign your gb.hope to see you again!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Hullo Magnus! *has returned and is desperately trying to reconnect with old friends* Love ya and your stuffs! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
Hi. I love ur cards !
Especially from DGM. So I subscribe u.
Good day !
the Guv
Otakuite | Posted 09/20/08 | Reply
Hello, buddy! Signin' yer guest book!
Vasto Lorde
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/14/08 | Reply
hi and thanks for commenting on my work,you should check out some of my other drawings if you want-anycase it's always good to hear from some new people-have a great day.
I'm a veggie, dawg (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/08 | Reply
HAY THAR! I'm stopping by on all my friend's worlds now, just now starting. Lol I'm signing this now. Signed. YAY! LOL forgive me, I'm hyper right now. See ya around!
shadow princess
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/24/08 | Reply
hi :3, you aleady have alot of comments here so mine wouldn't hurt :) thanks so much for your awesome comment and subscribing ^^ means alot. I hope we can talk some friends! I think we do have around the same kinda humor.Maybe thats way i love your e-cards sooo much. ok then tAke care
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/24/08 | Reply
Hi! I subscribed! *waves frantically* (I spelled that one wrong oh well) ^_^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
Hello, fellow D.Gray-Man fan!! =D Your cards are AMAZING and your fan art interests me very much, especially your Tyki ones lol! Many thanks and hope to see more from you!!
Destainy Lost
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Thanks for the comment on my card! My friend loves it every much! Your too kind!
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
hello!^^ it´s me again!!!!!!^^
i guess this doesn´t fit really much but i want you to know something (and if i write it down here i´ll be sure you´ll read it):pleaaase try kanda!!!!!!!!!! he is not that difficult he might seem! and you really are able to get him right! i know this for sure!
o.k. now i´m waiting and i hope i sometimes will see one kanda of yours. ah! there is one more thing to say...keep on with your work! i really love it!^^
greetings, AnBu^^
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/28/08 | Reply
Hello, :3
Seeing that you did sign my guestbook I decided I may as well sign yours too!
My, you have a lot of comments on yours. :O
I just have four so far. ^^''
Well, I'm going to subscribe since I really like your art! :3
See ya and take care! :3
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
maybe you remember me...and i hope you read this. i decided to say *thanx!!!!^^* once here because i don´t know if you look twice on my pics were you left a commi.
i´m really glad for your commis and i´ll try my best in future so you won´t get disappointed!!^o^
o.k., enough stuff from me! i´m here to say: YOU ARE A GREAT ARTWORKER! o.k., using this word sounds silly but that´s me. you know? most off all i really love your cards! there really beautiful!
keep on, i´ll keep on watching for you!^^
greetings, AnBu^^
C ko
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
Thanks so much, for the sign and subscription. Ha, ha well I do have stories about him, I might feel like talking about that one day. ;b_smile: You really are interesting though, I'll be sure to stick around for you too, well then I'll see you.
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/20/08 | Reply
HOOOOOOOOORAY!!! I'm so glad that you graduated!!! *claps* Part-time archeologist aaaaaaaaand a tornado chaser? YOU. RULE!!!!!!! I swear, my friends are so awesome! I love your art (Tyki-pon~ :D) and you're amazingly funny!!!! *hops up and down* I'm hyper right now. You like X-Men Evo? YEEEEEEEEEEES! Nightcrawler's my fave! X3 See ya later, Mag-chan!!
*runs off in a random direction* GAHAHAHAHAHA!! >:D
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 06/12/08 | Reply
Hey there, you were wondering why I subscribed and yet don't comment often. It's the same as always, I get busy and when you only update on myOtaku, I do not follow updates over there anymore other than to read.
I'm sure you can understand why my priority is to this side of things. ^_~ I still try to keep up with what people are doing though. So, see you around.
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/12/08 | Reply
Hello there Magnus! *huggles* You have left sooo many wonderful comments on my e-cards, so I have to thank you! Thank you very much! X3 You have some very lovely art, cards, and wallpapers! Wow, you are so talented to be able to make all of those! =D Keep it up!
I hope you don't mind me subscribing to you. I hope we can become good friends and if you ever want to talk, please feel free to message me! ^_^ Take care!
~innocent heart~
-find your heart's wish...
lover of the sand
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
Stalker Stabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
Magnus!! ::*tackles with hugs*:: YOU ARE BACK!?

Sheesh, I've been gone waaay too long. Did you ever get my letter I sent out. I never got a return so I was wondering. =[
I am definitely adding you back. I've missed you.
"Have you fallen in love?" "No, but I've stepped on it."
Sweet Lullaby
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
Thank you for being nice to me
~ Sweet Lullaby
aka. Brigitte
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
Hiya! I finally getting around to signing folks guest books, better late than never I guess. LoL Sorry I haven't been around real life has been really busy and when it hasn't I admit I've been really lazy! Hope you've been doing good and having all kinds of fun!! Take care of yourself and see you around!
The Beautiful German | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
Consider yourself Kimmeh Approved. ;)
Just signing the GB and making sure I was subscribed to you. Good thing I am. :D
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."
Miz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/08 | Reply
Yay, I can finally sign this! I was unable to do so before cause of the stupid coding problem
(which explains y I never comment on ur worlds, cause I never know when u update T.T) But now I can! XD
So I'll be able to keep up with ur submissions now too^^ (I read ur fanword btw, it was really good! o.o) C ya around!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
Hi there! It's been a long while. I couldn't get to you before because there was this bug that logs me out when I try to access your portfolio. I'm glad it's been resolved now. You gotta give it to Adam.
Anyway, I'm sorry for not keeping up with your updates since I've got college to deal with, but I'll try to comment whenever I can :) I hope we can still keep in touch. See you around!
~Kirigakure no Kage~
P.S. I guess no one's visiting myOtaku now that everyone's caught up by this new World feature, you should probably update here more often. The comment page in myOtaku is, as Adam says it himself, "hideous" >_
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
Heh heh heh. I can finally sign your gb! XD Now what to say? What to say? XD You know you're one of the best people on here. ^^ I'm so happy to have met you. *hugs*
You're such a wonderful friend. ^^ And you know just how to motivate me. XD *pets the posting bugs*
And how can I sign your gb without giving something to your spiders? O.o *gives them a lot of raw meat* I hope they like it. X3
Love Bug =X3
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/03/08 | Reply
looks at kita, me too. Glad to see you again Magnus.
You are a great person and will continue to be. I look forward to talking to you again
The Eighth Sin
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
The bug is dead, I can finally sign your guestbook. You rock, Dranz!
I guess I'll be seeing you around here and myO.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
Aha! The subscribing/book signing glitch has been fixed, so now I can finally add you and sign ^^
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
hi there! thanks for the help on theotaku i was quite confused but now im getting the hang of it! thanks for the help - eek no cosplay section!
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/08 | Reply
Hey Magnus! I'm so glad to see you on TheO! *hugs* It's nice to see people who are from MyO come here as well. I do miss MyO though, but no one seems to get on it anymore, which is a real shame. I miss my good friends. I guess change isn't always favorable...
Ah well, no time to be sad and such! It's good to see you alive and active! Please come by and sign my GB if you get the chance. ^^
~ twilight samurai ~
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/05/08 | Reply
Hello ^^
You know, it's really weird having gbs on this type of blog ^^ One way it's convenient and in others it's not ^^'
Have a good day!
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
Glad to see you around these parts Magnus! I'm still trying to find all my old friends on VV. I wasn't aware you had a world here until I saw you on Raina's page. I am still not liking VV, but what can ya do? This is the 3rd time I've signed your GB, btw... it wouldn't let me sign it the couple of times, so lets see if this works! Take care.
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/08 | Reply
I made it!! Finally... Never thought I was going to make it over here... LOL... well since I did this once here is a new thing I am doing hope you like it...
'Life is short, Break the rules, forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.'
See you around TheO My Friend...
Otakuite | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
I'm trying to find all of the friends I had on the old version of the site. I am still having trouble with this new version, sadly. *sigh*
Hope you are well! *hugs*
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/08 | Reply
Ha ha yeah definitely have to sign your gb! It's been a long while no? Matter of fact you're still not back but when you do come back, I'll be here. Thanks a whole bunch for being the super awesome person you are.
Well, I'll see you in May hopefully and keep on keepin' on. Love ya lots.