Sorry for the late reply, I don't usually check my guest book and stuff, but thank you very much for your message.
Thank you for getting my Hinata print, I am happy that you like it enough to actually buy it bringing it home. ^^
And lol, your comment makes me feel young. XDDD
When you get to a certain huge, you would feel really happy when people say you are adorable. XD
My DA is
See you there!
Hey there!!!! Did you go to ACen this year? I bought your Hinata artwork, Which I LOVE!!!!! I'm finding a place for it in my room!!!! Don't know if you remember me but I remember you from ACen this year. I left my blue bag on your table in the artist ally and came back for it!!! It had my state Id in it lolz!!!! I'm clutzy!!! XD But yeah, I still love your art!!! Do you have a Deviantart account? Mine is XxHinamori17xX there just like TheO I hope to hear back from you!! BTW, When I saw you at the artist ally, You are adorabe!!! ^^ I wanna hug you!! XDDDDDDDDDDD I swear i'm NOT a stalker!!! Only a stalker of adorable artists!!! LOLZ!!!! Friends? ;___;
oh my goodness! such an incredible artist and yet only 2 signatures! thats nonscense! well i really do love your art work. your style is just so creative and beautiful! i really look forward to seeing more from you! hope we can be friends! see you around theO!
Moderator | Posted 04/25/11 | Reply
Amazing gallery, your fanarts are full of creativity <3
I sure hope you're still active here ;w;
Kiari Uchiha
Otakuite | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
I love 'The death Godess' !!!!

you have a great drawing style and are really great at creating dounjishi! Keep up your great drawings!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/03/09 | Reply
Sorry for the late reply, I don't usually check my guest book and stuff, but thank you very much for your message.
Thank you for getting my Hinata print, I am happy that you like it enough to actually buy it bringing it home. ^^
And lol, your comment makes me feel young. XDDD
When you get to a certain huge, you would feel really happy when people say you are adorable. XD
My DA is
See you there!
Otakuite | Posted 05/11/09 | Reply
Hey there!!!! Did you go to ACen this year? I bought your Hinata artwork, Which I LOVE!!!!! I'm finding a place for it in my room!!!! Don't know if you remember me but I remember you from ACen this year. I left my blue bag on your table in the artist ally and came back for it!!! It had my state Id in it lolz!!!! I'm clutzy!!! XD But yeah, I still love your art!!! Do you have a Deviantart account? Mine is XxHinamori17xX there just like TheO I hope to hear back from you!! BTW, When I saw you at the artist ally, You are adorabe!!! ^^ I wanna hug you!! XDDDDDDDDDDD I swear i'm NOT a stalker!!! Only a stalker of adorable artists!!! LOLZ!!!! Friends? ;___;
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/09 | Reply
awesome portfolio.... i like ur drawing style and coloring most... *impressed*
*reirei subscribed to meomeo*
hope to see more from u..! *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/13/08 | Reply
No way I'm not signing this after reading your HxH comic. Amazing stuff. I urge you to continue. ^.^
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/08/08 | Reply
wow! your artwork is just amazing. i love them all. your coloring is awesome as well. i can't wait to see more. ja! ^_^

Senior Otaku | Posted 12/08/08 | Reply
oh my goodness!
such an incredible artist and yet only 2 signatures! thats nonscense!
well i really do love your art work. your style is just so creative and beautiful! i really look forward to seeing more from you! hope we can be friends! see you around theO! 

Otakuite++ | Posted 11/27/08 | Reply
you are amazing! consider yourself having another fan!! love to see you upload more of your works! keep it up!
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/26/08 | Reply
Your artwork is amazing! You´ve got an unique style. Keep it up!