Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their guestbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
Wow., your arts are greatz!! XD
I like how you put so much effort into the details and tone of the sketch!!
Nice arts, lovely arts, great artist...
C ya round!!
omg... *awe* ur pencil works are amazing...! the details and soft shading... (i find it harder to shade softer than darker) and u draw full pics with bgs.. XD really.. ur amazing.. and im honored to be in ur watchlist.. im definitely watching u too.. and i hope to see more from u..! *^^*
You can't call me senpai, no wai! D8 Your drawing and tablet skillz owns mine big time! No, I want you to drive across the Causeway and teach me how to use digital art xD
Singapura stalker~~XDDD I'm Malaysian stalker! I was surprised how you were able to guess I'm M'sian, because I didn't mention anything about M'sia in my world. Then I remembered my DA link lol..
Your pencil works are damn cool, even though you're 2 years younger than me you're definitely a sempai and I'm your kouhai here.
Cheers for subscribing! I'm subbing you too, not because of a polite gesture or returning favour like some otaku's here do just to get more subs, but because I think you're very talented and I'd like to see more.
hola! if i remember correctly i used to comment on your stuff in the early days of the O' so get ready for another set of long praising commetns on your portfolio from your truly
Agh! now I feel like a total jerk for forgetting to sub you! I´m SO SORRY!! Ha ha ha. I thought I already did...and agh! Theres no excuse! But no worries I am here again! Weep!
I shall take that threat seriously 8D Many thanks for the compliments though.
That last submission was my very first digital piece, that's why it's clean, lol. The initial sketch is of course done with pencil, then I scanned it. With PS and a tablet, I traced the lineart in a new layer (with the original scan as the background layer), you don't even have to clean anything at all ^^ With the lineart done, (this is my favourite part) lock the layer you want to keep, use eraser tool, set it to MAXIMUM size and wipe out the entire background layer to eliminate any sign of pencils. Deleting the entire layer is an alternative, but you'll be left with checkered boxes (they indicate empty space, weird but true) which is unsightly. After that, you just create a third layer, place it between the lineart and background layer and start colouring. This way, you don't have to worry about the colours overlapping your lineart.
And yeah, you'd probably need a tablet to do all these, because drawing with a mouse seriously kills >_>
Oh, and talking about cleaning, you can also clean up your pencil-shaded work with PS. I only found out about this from a friend recently and I wished I could've known this earlier. I've always been using the eraser tool to clean, but most of the time this is not enough. You can play around with the brightness and contrast to clear away dark areas and those annoying smudges >:D
I noticed from your portfolio that although your pics are so nice to look at, they may be overlooked quite easily as thumbnails because they're not so visible in that form. PS comes to the rescue again! From the "Enhance" tab, you can use auto-levels/contrast/color correction/smart fix, and then you'll be able to see your artwork shine in full glory =D Note that when you use these, your unwanted smudges will also become more visible, but remember what I said in the previous paragraph? You can clear those with eraser tool and brightness/contrast adjustments.
Eh... I got carried away again. I hope all this helps. This is what happens when I explain things, lol. Call me a perfectionist if you will =_= And thanks for signing my guestbook.
Heyy.. I noticed your portfolio had some nice stuff~ You really weren't lying about your love for the pencil medium. ::*laughs*:: Your work is very dynamic and full of movement. I like that and I'm trying to incorporate that into my own stuff. Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough, y'know? If you EVAR have any advice for me on how to improve, I'll strangle you if you don't share to criticism.
One thing I also picked up from your descriptions was that you draw your stuff traditionally. Do you scan them up on your computer, clean them up, and then color them? If you do, would you mind sharing your methods? Your last submission was awfully clean and I was curious to how you got it that way. You see, I'd love to start coloring my own drawings, but I don't know how to clean them up with Photoshop. :( They say,
"Buy a tablet."
"...Does it look like I have 'Tablet' money?"
So yeah... How do you do it? :O
... .. .
Last edited by Le kun at 8:39:11 PM EST on December 29, 2008.
Thanks for stopping by and signing my gb! Just thought I'd return the favor.
Thanks so much on the compliments. ^.^ I love your artwork as well! I especially liked the L fanart you did. I just love L!! He's my all-time favorite anime/manga character, so you definitely won me over with that art! >.<
See ya around!
*scribbles name all over the place*
OY! Or should I say Ahoy? I don't know, but I've been having a pirate month all month! Anyways, your art is great, awesome, brilliant, marvelous, superb and everything else going on in my mind right now! I'm glad Insane's speech about me is giving me a good rep, so far I've gotten more subscribers out of nowhere o__O Lol but anyways, thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to come and visit me. I will subscribe to you as well cuz I'm just coo like that!
Hey Mizukage!
I still remember you from MyO too :P I'm glad to see you again! Just that you know, I'm not very active on theO because I'm in my last year of high school and it's keeping me busy.. *sigh* Hehe anyway, keep up the great artwork and I'll see you around sometime! *subscribes*
Thanks for the signature! Glad to hear you appreciate my work. I know what you mean about the earlier chapters. Naruto started out really promising, what with Zabuza and all the creative different types of fighting styles and interesting characters. I think the series' big problem right now is the fact that Sasuke hijacked the plot a couple hundred chapters ago and hasn't stopped being stupid since. Couple it in with the fact that he ignores all the other more interesting characters to focus on him (I can't even remember the last time Tenten did anything) and the fact that there's basically only 3 or so moves anyone uses anymore and it's a pretty quick way to lose an audience. I do kind of like some of the newer villains, but I consider it a problem when I actually want Pain to massacre everyone.
But I digress. Thanks again for the sig and I really appreciate your input. Subscribing now, so see you around!
Oh wow! You draw like really amazing stuff! I think I'll just subscribe to you and hope to see more art by you! Like seriously! You draw amazing things! Hope to hear from you soon! Because trust'll be hearing from me. If that makes any sense...ack!
just wanted
to wish you a happy day!!
n-n' i know!!!
random.. O___O
well one can never have
too many signatures!! :D
dontcha think?? n___n
waaa!! your art
is so cool!!
i'll subscribe!!! :D
well.. see ya♥
hi!! chicken, im gonna eat you!!! [dips chicken in mayo] random Gir moment aside, i stopped by wanting to see that sasuke hating fan art you drew. i love it! woo, i loved that one where kisame was mauling up the sasuke doll. his expression was hilarious. XD i also love some of your other drawings like the one with kakashi, itachi, and neji in it. i even commented for once! yayz, though i really should be finishing all that homework i've been procrastinating on! *twitching nervously*
anyways, let's be friends! anyone who can draw sasuke getting mauled is a friend of mine! i hope kishimoto doesn't spare his life just cuz he's a "main character" cuz he's just asking for it. im a REALLY big sasuke hater if you can't tell. XD the only time sasuke was tolerable was in episode 101, for his amusing facial expressions. oh and that grimmjow drawing also looks awesome. well i really need to be getting back to that 'work' i have to do.
Sorry that it took me so long to finaly sign this thing and, add you. To be honest I thought I already had.^^; Anyways, thanks for always commenting my posts and art. It really means alot to me.
Oh thats so kool you'r indonisian. But now I feel bad to tell you that I dont know the language. See i grew up without my father. He and my mother always fought and she moved out of the city.
Wow thats kool you live in Singapore. I live in the U.S. I wish i knew more about my indonisian herataige but i dont.
Though my sister might get a scholarship there to study about art and history for 3 months. I think id be able to learn a lot if she goes.
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/08 | Reply
*jumping from roof to roof*
Yo! Where the heck have you been...wait maybe that was me from taking a long absence from the otaku since the redoing of it! I missed you welcome back or...well whatever!!! I am so re-adding you as a friend and I hope you do/did the same for me and please stop by the new guestbook and give me a signature I would greatly appreciate it!!! *huggles* Hopefully I shall see you around more often! *does ninjitsu and disappears*
Uhh sugoi you have a Japanese or Chinese site name, it's interesting to see them around ~ Nods ~ Good to be in touch as well and all the best for the rest of your college year ^_^
CAOS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/16/12 | Reply
i havent been in for like AAAGES xD but thanx for signing my GB looong time ago :p hahaha LUV ya comment ;)
Moderator | Posted 05/21/10 | Reply
Your avatar is so adorable *______*
Awesome fanarts, I love them <3 Hope to see more from you ^3^
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/14/09 | Reply
Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their guestbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/17/09 | Reply
happy b day :D
The Thief Kuronue
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/17/09 | Reply
Happy Birthday!
DragonGirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/17/09 | Reply
Happy birthday!! I hope you have a fantastic, amazing and fun day :P Hope to talk to you sometime soon again as well :3 Take care and lots of hugs!
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
Wow., your arts are greatz!! XD
I like how you put so much effort into the details and tone of the sketch!!
Nice arts, lovely arts, great artist...
C ya round!!
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
omg... *awe* ur pencil works are amazing...! the details and soft shading... (i find it harder to shade softer than darker) and u draw full pics with bgs.. XD really.. ur amazing.. and im honored to be in ur watchlist.. im definitely watching u too.. and i hope to see more from u..! *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
@mai rionette:
You can't call me senpai, no wai! D8 Your drawing and tablet skillz owns mine big time! No, I want you to drive across the Causeway and teach me how to use digital art xD
mai rionette
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
Singapura stalker~~XDDD I'm Malaysian stalker! I was surprised how you were able to guess I'm M'sian, because I didn't mention anything about M'sia in my world. Then I remembered my DA link lol..
Your pencil works are damn cool, even though you're 2 years younger than me you're definitely a sempai and I'm your kouhai here.
Cheers for subscribing! I'm subbing you too, not because of a polite gesture or returning favour like some otaku's here do just to get more subs, but because I think you're very talented and I'd like to see more.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/22/09 | Reply
Hi there!
Thanks for your kind word in my guestbook! 'Tis much appreciated!
You have some wonderful artwork yourself! I hope we can be friends and I'll see you around!
Dill pickle
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
hola! if i remember correctly i used to comment on your stuff in the early days of the O' so get ready for another set of long praising commetns on your portfolio from your truly
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/09/09 | Reply
hi i'm ali want to be friends?
Himbo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/09 | Reply
hi i luv ur art and ur avatar
cya round
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/08/09 | Reply
Agh! now I feel like a total jerk for forgetting to sub you! I´m SO SORRY!! Ha ha ha. I thought I already did...and agh! Theres no excuse! But no worries I am here again! Weep!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/08 | Reply
@The Shirt:
I shall take that threat seriously 8D Many thanks for the compliments though.
That last submission was my very first digital piece, that's why it's clean, lol. The initial sketch is of course done with pencil, then I scanned it. With PS and a tablet, I traced the lineart in a new layer (with the original scan as the background layer), you don't even have to clean anything at all ^^ With the lineart done, (this is my favourite part) lock the layer you want to keep, use eraser tool, set it to MAXIMUM size and wipe out the entire background layer to eliminate any sign of pencils. Deleting the entire layer is an alternative, but you'll be left with checkered boxes (they indicate empty space, weird but true) which is unsightly. After that, you just create a third layer, place it between the lineart and background layer and start colouring. This way, you don't have to worry about the colours overlapping your lineart.
And yeah, you'd probably need a tablet to do all these, because drawing with a mouse seriously kills >_>
Oh, and talking about cleaning, you can also clean up your pencil-shaded work with PS. I only found out about this from a friend recently and I wished I could've known this earlier. I've always been using the eraser tool to clean, but most of the time this is not enough. You can play around with the brightness and contrast to clear away dark areas and those annoying smudges >:D
I noticed from your portfolio that although your pics are so nice to look at, they may be overlooked quite easily as thumbnails because they're not so visible in that form. PS comes to the rescue again! From the "Enhance" tab, you can use auto-levels/contrast/color correction/smart fix, and then you'll be able to see your artwork shine in full glory =D Note that when you use these, your unwanted smudges will also become more visible, but remember what I said in the previous paragraph? You can clear those with eraser tool and brightness/contrast adjustments.
Eh... I got carried away again. I hope all this helps. This is what happens when I explain things, lol. Call me a perfectionist if you will =_= And thanks for signing my guestbook.
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/29/08 | Reply
Heyy.. I noticed your portfolio had some nice stuff~ You really weren't lying about your love for the pencil medium. ::*laughs*:: Your work is very dynamic and full of movement. I like that and I'm trying to incorporate that into my own stuff. Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough, y'know? If you EVAR have any advice for me on how to improve, I'll strangle you if you don't share to criticism.
One thing I also picked up from your descriptions was that you draw your stuff traditionally. Do you scan them up on your computer, clean them up, and then color them? If you do, would you mind sharing your methods? Your last submission was awfully clean and I was curious to how you got it that way. You see, I'd love to start coloring my own drawings, but I don't know how to clean them up with Photoshop. :( They say,
"Buy a tablet."
"...Does it look like I have 'Tablet' money?"
... .. .
Last edited by Le kun at 8:39:11 PM EST on December 29, 2008.
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/04/08 | Reply
Thanks for stopping by and signing my gb! Just thought I'd return the favor.
Thanks so much on the compliments. ^.^ I love your artwork as well! I especially liked the L fanart you did. I just love L!! He's my all-time favorite anime/manga character, so you definitely won me over with that art! >.<
See ya around!
*scribbles name all over the place*
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/04/08 | Reply
whoa! i love your artwork. ^_^ I can't wait to see more. ja!
KoInu kyan
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/28/08 | Reply
Rishi really likes your art! Rishi wants to be as good as you someday! So Rishi's going to watch your drawings, kay?
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/27/08 | Reply
OY! Or should I say Ahoy? I don't know, but I've been having a pirate month all month! Anyways, your art is great, awesome, brilliant, marvelous, superb and everything else going on in my mind right now! I'm glad Insane's speech about me is giving me a good rep, so far I've gotten more subscribers out of nowhere o__O Lol but anyways, thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to come and visit me. I will subscribe to you as well cuz I'm just coo like that!
DragonGirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/08 | Reply
Hey Mizukage!
I still remember you from MyO too :P I'm glad to see you again! Just that you know, I'm not very active on theO because I'm in my last year of high school and it's keeping me busy.. *sigh* Hehe anyway, keep up the great artwork and I'll see you around sometime! *subscribes*
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/08 | Reply
Thanks for the signature! Glad to hear you appreciate my work. I know what you mean about the earlier chapters. Naruto started out really promising, what with Zabuza and all the creative different types of fighting styles and interesting characters. I think the series' big problem right now is the fact that Sasuke hijacked the plot a couple hundred chapters ago and hasn't stopped being stupid since. Couple it in with the fact that he ignores all the other more interesting characters to focus on him (I can't even remember the last time Tenten did anything) and the fact that there's basically only 3 or so moves anyone uses anymore and it's a pretty quick way to lose an audience. I do kind of like some of the newer villains, but I consider it a problem when I actually want Pain to massacre everyone.
But I digress. Thanks again for the sig and I really appreciate your input. Subscribing now, so see you around!
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/11/08 | Reply
Oh wow! You draw like really amazing stuff! I think I'll just subscribe to you and hope to see more art by you! Like seriously! You draw amazing things! Hope to hear from you soon! Because trust'll be hearing from me. If that makes any sense...ack!
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/26/08 | Reply
OMG!!! Meh is uber jealous of ur awesome skillz!!!!!
BTW neh subscribed!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/08 | Reply
just wanted
to wish you a happy day!!
n-n' i know!!!
random.. O___O
well one can never have
too many signatures!! :D
dontcha think?? n___n
waaa!! your art
is so cool!!
i'll subscribe!!! :D
well.. see ya♥
sasusaku 4ever
Guru's Chosen | Posted 08/27/08 | Reply
hey! nice to meet you!
your art us great!
see ya around!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/24/08 | Reply
To mare todo lo que eate bajo el arco iris
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
hi!! chicken, im gonna eat you!!! [dips chicken in mayo] random Gir moment aside, i stopped by wanting to see that sasuke hating fan art you drew. i love it! woo, i loved that one where kisame was mauling up the sasuke doll. his expression was hilarious. XD i also love some of your other drawings like the one with kakashi, itachi, and neji in it. i even commented for once! yayz, though i really should be finishing all that homework i've been procrastinating on! *twitching nervously*
anyways, let's be friends! anyone who can draw sasuke getting mauled is a friend of mine! i hope kishimoto doesn't spare his life just cuz he's a "main character" cuz he's just asking for it. im a REALLY big sasuke hater if you can't tell. XD the only time sasuke was tolerable was in episode 101, for his amusing facial expressions. oh and that grimmjow drawing also looks awesome. well i really need to be getting back to that 'work' i have to do.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/26/08 | Reply
Yeah, so much was lost in the switch I've started to wonder if it was worth it.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
Sorry that it took me so long to finaly sign this thing and, add you. To be honest I thought I already had.^^; Anyways, thanks for always commenting my posts and art. It really means alot to me.
Pokemon Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Hello there!
I saw your avi and just giggled like there was no tommorow! Haha xD Its so cute! L is so awesome!
Your World name is so cool! What is it? Japanese or Chinese? Either way still cool!
Im going to subscribe to you, that way when you update it, I will now and be able to check it out!
Until then my new friend!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
Oh thats so kool you'r indonisian. But now I feel bad to tell you that I dont know the language. See i grew up without my father. He and my mother always fought and she moved out of the city.
Wow thats kool you live in Singapore. I live in the U.S. I wish i knew more about my indonisian herataige but i dont.
Though my sister might get a scholarship there to study about art and history for 3 months. I think id be able to learn a lot if she goes.
lover of the sand
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
You must have missed my sig in your guestbook, lol. It should be there. Anyway, thanks for stopping by and signing mine too, I really appreciate it.
Same goes for the rest of my friends too :)
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/08 | Reply
*jumping from roof to roof*
Yo! Where the heck have you been...wait maybe that was me from taking a long absence from the otaku since the redoing of it! I missed you welcome back or...well whatever!!! I am so re-adding you as a friend and I hope you do/did the same for me and please stop by the new guestbook and give me a signature I would greatly appreciate it!!! *huggles* Hopefully I shall see you around more often! *does ninjitsu and disappears*
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
Uhh sugoi you have a Japanese or Chinese site name, it's interesting to see them around ~ Nods ~ Good to be in touch as well and all the best for the rest of your college year ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/16/08 | Reply
hey! look who found me ^__^ since i cant find anything...i am glad you can old friend and hope we can stay in contact. Good luck with your art!