I must say a much envy your style.
You are a real talent and be prepared from a wash of comments from me cause you just found yourself a new subscriber.
(p.s. what program do you use to apply color?)
Hey, just wanted to stop by and say HELLO!!
My job here is done, but I's like to ask, when are you gonna make some worlds? They're actually quite fun! ^^
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
*jumping from roof to roof* Hey there! *lands before you*
OMG! I never visited your new ninja village lol oh well. I am so grateful to your wonderful coloring job you are a superb artist and I admire you!!! I am going to subscribe to you and I hope you will do the same when you have a chance hon *kisses your hand* Never give up and keep up the wonderful work my friend!!! :D Ja-ne! *does ninjitsu and disappears*
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
i luv ur drawings!! u rock!!

Dill pickle
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/31/09 | Reply
I must say a much envy your style.
You are a real talent and be prepared from a wash of comments from me cause you just found yourself a new subscriber.
(p.s. what program do you use to apply color?)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/08 | Reply
Hey, just wanted to stop by and say HELLO!!
My job here is done, but I's like to ask, when are you gonna make some worlds? They're actually quite fun! ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/16/08 | Reply
Hello! :D
Gosh, you are such an amazing artist and colorer. I can't believe you don't have more subscriptions than you do. WE MUST CHANGE THIS! >:3
I really admire your coloring skills. They're just so cool! *fawns over the awesomeness that is your coloring*
I hope you keep up your amazing work!
I'll be a-watching you. >.> *subscribes*
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
*jumping from roof to roof* Hey there! *lands before you*
OMG! I never visited your new ninja village lol oh well. I am so grateful to your wonderful coloring job you are a superb artist and I admire you!!! I am going to subscribe to you and I hope you will do the same when you have a chance hon *kisses your hand* Never give up and keep up the wonderful work my friend!!! :D Ja-ne! *does ninjitsu and disappears*