i'm sure your english will improve by joining theO hehehe XP
if you have a trouble just ask someone here (or me ), we're very nice people ^^
have a great time here!
hi welcome to theO!!!
im Riska!!
and well...i dont speak any Japanese...
anyway, i can wait to see some of your fan art and stuff!!
plus i read in your world that you cosplay!!!
thats sooo cool!!
Go to your "Backroom" then you put your mouse over "Quick Submit" and choose what to upload. Click on "Fan Art" for illustrations you made and for wallpapers you click on "Wallpaper" to select. Fill out the page you are taken to. This post might help you with how to fill out the pages if you need more help. Good luck!
I'm sorry. I think that it is English strange because the translation site is used perhaps.
SNS is [so-sharuwa-kingusa-bisusaito].
The world is I see. Thank you.
The up-loading method is not understood on this site the illustration and the wallpaper. Please teach if it is good.
Yes. I can read and write only Japanese.
However, I understand only a little because it learns English at the school. It is glad when speaking in easy English.
Because there are sentences that cannot be translated on a translation site alone, too ….
^^;;; Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "Do you question safe?" or what SNS is. But if you don't give out any personal information (like your real name, address, etc.) you should be safe.
For friends, the closest thing is to 'Subscribe' to them (the Subscribers and Subscritions listed on your profile)
A World is like a blog place you can set up. You may have more than one world so you can organize your writings, like if you want stories in one, thoughts on anime in another, a world devoted to your favorite series, etc.
I hope that helps!
Thank you for your cooperation it heals and it is possible to say.
I want to be going to convert honestly on the translation site in the future and to understand.
Thank you for the comment.
All people on this site have been surprised including Refi-chan only by a gentle person.
Do you question safe?
This site is ,so to speak, SNS site. Is not the function of the friend registration etc. provided?
What does the world do?
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
I have no idea if it displays in Japanese..Maybe if you were to get a computer and internet from Japan, yeah it might. But I'm not sure. I thought that in Japan, it would still be the same website or something but just a different language. I thought the same with other languages like French, German, or Mandarin. I'm not sure though. I'm really truely very sorry for not knowing. Well, good luck with finding out. Like I said, I am very sorry. You don't have to be embarassed! Other people of here only know little English. I only know little Japanese while everyone knows a lot. But I'm fine with that! So don't be embarassed!
Do you ..question.. say immediately?
Can this site display Japanese?
I am embarrassed because I understand English only a little.
By the way, it is translated into a strange sentence even if English of this site is converted because it is a low function and it does though it comments by using the translation site now.
I'm Blue Jaguar, but my real username is Axelflame, so I'm not new here at all; been here since January 19 of this year (u can check out my portfolio, Axelflame, to see for yourself).
You can call me axel or flame or by some other nickname of your choice; everyone that I know does.
I like to subscribe to u and hope that we can be the best of friends, after all, making friends is the one thing I like to do best
If u want, u can subscribe to both of my accounts or just to one of them of your choice.
PM me anytime u want to talk; I would like to get to know u a lot better by discussing about each other and such ;3
Thank you for the comment.
Avatar is an original card (It is called "ORICA" for short in Japan). Making today from the book becomes popular. I am ORICA workman.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Hello! Welcome to the Otaku! I'm Mia! I hope you have a great time on here and think of this place as a second home! I think you will have a great time on here. If you need anything, please do pm me! I would love to help you! Enjoy your stay here!
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
I like your fanarts so I'm subbing! :3
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/16/09 | Reply
@HiToMi NeKo:
Your japanese is good.
Your fan art was seen!It is very cute fan art...!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/16/09 | Reply
HiToMi NeKo
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/15/09 | Reply
Ogenki desu ka?
Otaku ni yokoso! Atashi no nihon go wa mada heta desu...demo yoroshiku na.
Hope you can visit my art..
Jaa ne..
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
ああ、大丈夫ですよ! 僕は漢字が読めるので。。。
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/13/09 | Reply
@saint vivant:
Comment thanks!
This site is very good!It has very kind peoples!
I am happy.thanks!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/13/09 | Reply
Comment thanks!
OK,I can use englis veryvery little.
Costume play is very interesiting.But it costs very much!!
So I can costume play Sometimes.
saint vivant
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/12/09 | Reply
welcome to theO!
i'm sure your english will improve by joining theO hehehe XP
), we're very nice people ^^
if you have a trouble just ask someone here (or me
have a great time here!
jaa ne!
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/12/09 | Reply
hi welcome to theO!!!
im Riska!!
and well...i dont speak any Japanese...
anyway, i can wait to see some of your fan art and stuff!!
plus i read in your world that you cosplay!!!
thats sooo cool!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/12/09 | Reply
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/12/09 | Reply
こんにちは、女侍ーさん! お元気ですか?おたく.com に用こそ!わたしはJapan.freak です! よく楽しんでくださいね!
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Okay. Would it be easier If I translated my words to you in Japanese? I would be more than happy to do that for you!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
@Blue Jaguar:
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Thank you. It was possible to contribute for oneself a minute ago.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Go to your "Backroom" then you put your mouse over "Quick Submit" and choose what to upload. Click on "Fan Art" for illustrations you made and for wallpapers you click on "Wallpaper" to select. Fill out the page you are taken to. This post might help you with how to fill out the pages if you need more help. Good luck!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
comment thanks!
How the illustration and the wallpaper are up-loaded is not understood. Please teach if you avoid it.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
comment Arigatou(japanese of thanks)!
Nice to meet you!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
@Seto Grl:
comment thanks!
Nice to meet you!
Blue Jaguar
Otakuite | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
"U" stands for you, that's what it means since you're sort of new here in TheO and all, hehehe
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply

welcome to the O, if you need help or a friend just PM me
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
I'm sorry. I think that it is English strange because the translation site is used perhaps.
SNS is [so-sharuwa-kingusa-bisusaito].
The world is I see. Thank you.
The up-loading method is not understood on this site the illustration and the wallpaper. Please teach if it is good.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Yes. I can read and write only Japanese.
However, I understand only a little because it learns English at the school. It is glad when speaking in easy English.
Because there are sentences that cannot be translated on a translation site alone, too ….
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Welcome to the O, hope you enjoy it here.
Seto Grl
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Oi! ^^ Welcome to theO! Hope we can be friends!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
^^;;; Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "Do you question safe?" or what SNS is. But if you don't give out any personal information (like your real name, address, etc.) you should be safe.
For friends, the closest thing is to 'Subscribe' to them (the Subscribers and Subscritions listed on your profile)
A World is like a blog place you can set up. You may have more than one world so you can organize your writings, like if you want stories in one, thoughts on anime in another, a world devoted to your favorite series, etc.
I hope that helps!
Otakuite | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Hajimimashite Onnasamurai-san... K des...
hope we can be friends.. sorry bout my Niponggo.. not that Good...
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Wait, you can only read Japanese, right?
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
@Dee YaShA:
Oh!!Very nice Japanese!
Me too!I hope we'll be good friend(^o^)b
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
You're welcome!
Dee YaShA
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Watashi no namae wa Dee YaSHa desu. Yoroshikuonegaisimasu
hope we'll be good friend and continue my lesson
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Thank you for your cooperation it heals and it is possible to say.
I want to be going to convert honestly on the translation site in the future and to understand.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
@Blue Jaguar:
Thank you for the comment.
Then, please let me call flame.
By the way, what is "u"?
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Thank you for the comment.
All people on this site have been surprised including Refi-chan only by a gentle person.
Do you question safe?
This site is ,so to speak, SNS site. Is not the function of the friend registration etc. provided?
What does the world do?
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
I have no idea if it displays in Japanese..Maybe if you were to get a computer and internet from Japan, yeah it might. But I'm not sure. I thought that in Japan, it would still be the same website or something but just a different language. I thought the same with other languages like French, German, or Mandarin. I'm not sure though. I'm really truely very sorry for not knowing. Well, good luck with finding out. Like I said, I am very sorry. You don't have to be embarassed! Other people of here only know little English. I only know little Japanese while everyone knows a lot. But I'm fine with that! So don't be embarassed!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Thank you for the comment.
Do you ..question.. say immediately?
Can this site display Japanese?
I am embarrassed because I understand English only a little.
By the way, it is translated into a strange sentence even if English of this site is converted because it is a low function and it does though it comments by using the translation site now.
Blue Jaguar
Otakuite | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Hi there and welcome to TheO!
I'm Blue Jaguar, but my real username is Axelflame, so I'm not new here at all; been here since January 19 of this year (u can check out my portfolio, Axelflame, to see for yourself).
You can call me axel or flame or by some other nickname of your choice; everyone that I know does.
I like to subscribe to u and hope that we can be the best of friends, after all, making friends is the one thing I like to do best
If u want, u can subscribe to both of my accounts or just to one of them of your choice.
PM me anytime u want to talk; I would like to get to know u a lot better by discussing about each other and such ;3
See u laterz

Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Thank you for the comment.
Avatar is an original card (It is called "ORICA" for short in Japan). Making today from the book becomes popular. I am ORICA workman.
It asks suitably ><.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Thanks Comment!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/09 | Reply
Hello! Welcome to the Otaku! I'm Mia! I hope you have a great time on here and think of this place as a second home! I think you will have a great time on here. If you need anything, please do pm me! I would love to help you! Enjoy your stay here!
Air (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
im rose btw i write manga and post art all the time hope we get along
well aniway ja ne
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheOtaku. :)
I hope you have a great time here!