First, thank you for subscribing and leaving such a kind words on my guestbook. I truly appreciate it.
I'm happy to hear you like my artwork, comments like those it's one of the things I keep drawing and submitting them here.
It seems I'm the first to sign your guestbook so maybe it means your new here? If you are, welcome to TheOtaku!
I hope you enjoy and stay around for a long time. Consider yourself subscribed and signed!
I must say that your name amuses me to no end considered the place where we are and such, hehe...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
Hey there otakuboy,
First, thank you for subscribing and leaving such a kind words on my guestbook. I truly appreciate it.
I'm happy to hear you like my artwork, comments like those it's one of the things I keep drawing and submitting them here.
It seems I'm the first to sign your guestbook so maybe it means your new here? If you are, welcome to TheOtaku!
I hope you enjoy and stay around for a long time. Consider yourself subscribed and signed!
I must say that your name amuses me to no end considered the place where we are and such, hehe...
The crazy bubbly shadow