Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/10 | Reply
Heya Pheonix92~! Wow am I the 1st to sign your GB?
Anyway welcome aboard to theO and have fun throughout your stay~
If you ever need someone to talk to or if you have questions, feel free to PM me okay? Don't worry although I'm a half vampire I promise I won't bite~ XD
Hope to hear from you again.
Tata~! *waves*
Psst: Hey thankies for subbing me so I'll sub back~
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/27/10 | Reply
Hey Pheonix~! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimas~! Happy Birthday~! May all your dreams come true~!
Hanawa aka Hana
Otakuite | Posted 04/09/10 | Reply
thanz for the add.......
I don't know what am I going to do here..........
I've no talent in drawing......
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/10 | Reply
Heya Pheonix92~! Wow am I the 1st to sign your GB?
Anyway welcome aboard to theO and have fun throughout your stay~
If you ever need someone to talk to or if you have questions, feel free to PM me okay? Don't worry although I'm a half vampire I promise I won't bite~ XD
Hope to hear from you again.
Tata~! *waves*
Psst: Hey thankies for subbing me so I'll sub back~
Hanawa aka Hana