Good evening! Nice little abode you have here! *looks around* Oops! Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Mad Hatter, Mad Hatter Belia! Very pleased to make you acquaintance! I really enjoy your essays, they are very well thought out and very though provoking. Did you know that the name of your Blog (as it as shown on the list of featured worlds) is also the name of a manga character by Yuu Watase? I just though that was funny. I don't know if you meant that or not.
Great essays, can't wait to read more!
~just a Mad Hatter hopping by~
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/02/08 | Reply
Heyy Tatara-san!! ^.^ Just droppin' by...!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/27/08 | Reply
yahoo, yahoo!

just saying hi. ^_^
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/14/08 | Reply
Good evening! Nice little abode you have here! *looks around* Oops! Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Mad Hatter, Mad Hatter Belia! Very pleased to make you acquaintance! I really enjoy your essays, they are very well thought out and very though provoking. Did you know that the name of your Blog (as it as shown on the list of featured worlds) is also the name of a manga character by Yuu Watase? I just though that was funny. I don't know if you meant that or not.
Great essays, can't wait to read more!
~just a Mad Hatter hopping by~