Hola sobrino es tu titi. Thanks for coming and signing my guestbook. Also congratulations on graduating. Really you deserve it, I'm glad you finally did it.
Hey! I figured who better to sign your guestbook first than your family eh? You are an amazing artist primo and I am glad you finally joined theO. Only drawback you have is you always have to come to my house to get you pictures scanned. You seem to be really popular already your art seems to have a lot of fans, you know how I wish I had anything near that when I first joined? Anyway I'll leave by saying you have a very bright future ahead and that I love you cousin.
C ko
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
Hola sobrino es tu titi. Thanks for coming and signing my guestbook. Also congratulations on graduating.
Really you deserve it, I'm glad you finally did it. 
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/08 | Reply
Hey! I figured who better to sign your guestbook first than your family eh? You are an amazing artist primo and I am glad you finally joined theO. Only drawback you have is you always have to come to my house to get you pictures scanned.
You seem to be really popular already your art seems to have a lot of fans, you know how I wish I had anything near that when I first joined? Anyway I'll leave by saying you have a very bright future ahead and that I love you cousin.