Riku's voice actor is awsome, and his voice actor makes him sound sexy <3
Ah, I see. Usually the anti social male characters in anime are the hotter ones, but I cant get over the fact that he looks so much like Riku! :3 Aw, I feel so bad for him though... does he really have that much siblings though?
Awww, its okay, I sent a late reply too. *pats head*
Phail. ;~;
Yes, Riku's very much a smexy beast. x3 A good portion of the cast, including his voice actor, would very much agree with us.
He's missing a rib because his dad is zetta fail and removed it from him and his over one hundred siblings in surgery. D8 His dad's the "devil" and was killed by "God". It's like signature, telling people he's a cursed child and people shouldn't get close to him or they'll die. He's not a jerk, he's just cold. And a celebrity/pianist who is anti social. But he's lovable sometimes, too. He's just not one to open up. And he's incapable of crying, too. DDDDD8
xD Right? (Wait--which is sexier? I think, on the scale of sexy, they are about the same...kinda...)
The first is Eyes Rutherford from Spiral--he was the Riku look-a-like I was talking about. (He's be Riku if he were a bit more fat muscular, could wield a Keyblade, wasn't missing a rib, was nicer, and didn't wear so much god damn leather.)
And of course the second is Riku who is breath taking/getting an ego boost.
;~; *Eats her candy bar and doesn't argue with* Spiral's about this really smart kid who has, like, NO ego/self-esteem AT ALL because he thinks that no matter what he does it'll always end up as him just "copying" his brother (who has stolen everything away from him and it's SAD)--then there are the Blade Children (and this guy who looks EXACTLY like Riku (the guy's in my avi)). It's great. And thank you don't bloat my non-existent ego though xD.
Yus, from Fruits Basket. xD Ayame amazes me with his ego self-esteem. So celebrate!
;-; I am full of fail, though. I get ahead of myself in a fandom (lately its been Spiral - Suiri no Kizuna) and end up producing things that are nothing more than incoherent sentences (I blame Riku my ego for that).
Yes, post away! Ayame Sohma demands that you post away to celebrate his over bloated ego perfection!
Oh geez. At least you can do art. I, on the other hand, am full of FAIL. D: The best thing I have ever drawn was probably the Road to Eldorado for DJ and I'd ficling (or maybe my best thing was that RiSo pic I did for Psychology XD). Yus. Produce stories in its holy womb. x3
Really? then we shall be loners together. TT_____TT We shall be friends... if you want.
And I'm mainly a writer because my art needs a lotof work. That is what I shall mostly produce in teh womb of Otaku! :3
*huggletackleglompsqueeze back*
I usually post up my work on another website but no one really looks at it there. And I posted a story in my worlds though.
THANK YOU *takleglompsqueeze*
Ah, I know how you feel. I'm a loner here too. xD Just do my business when I'm on, thank people for comments, and go to bed. I'd talk to you. :3
xD You guess? Well, I'll take that! And you're welcome. I can't wait to see what you produce in the womb that is the Otaku (and that sounded REALLY weird smart xD).
And--holy heck a glompthugsqueeze!! @-@ *Hugglompsqueezes back*
Oh yeah, I saw the post.
And... well truth be told I'm kind of a loner on the Otaku. D: Not many ppl to talk too.
But I guess you've convinced me. And thanks for the subscription. Means alot! *glomphugglesqueeze*
Ooooh, snappage. xD Might as well take the time out for reasonings. xD
Someone told me that you weren't getting on as often (actually they dedicated something to you and asked people to convince you to get on). So, here I am doing a little dance--*dances*--so that you'll get on some more.
*Puppy dog eyes* Have I convinced the person's superb friend? ;-;
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/30/10 | Reply
you need to ry and figure out that
r u shure there isn't somthing wrong withthe way your saving your files or somthing
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/28/10 | Reply
*w* rly?
But I can't post stuff on this site TT
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/18/10 | Reply
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/30/09 | Reply
yaaay your back! (sorry for MY late reply!)
Riku's voice actor is awsome, and his voice actor makes him sound sexy <3
Ah, I see. Usually the anti social male characters in anime are the hotter ones, but I cant get over the fact that he looks so much like Riku! :3 Aw, I feel so bad for him though... does he really have that much siblings though?
Awww, its okay, I sent a late reply too. *pats head*
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
Yes, Riku's very much a smexy beast. x3 A good portion of the cast, including his voice actor, would very much agree with us.
He's missing a rib because his dad is zetta fail and removed it from him and his
over one hundredsiblings in surgery. D8 His dad's the "devil" and was killed by "God". It's like signature, telling people he's a cursed child and people shouldn't get close to him or they'll die. He's not a jerk, he's just cold. And a celebrity/pianist who is anti social. But he's lovable sometimes, too. He's just not one to open up. And he's incapable of crying, too. DDDDD8I FAIL SO BAD I AM SO SORRY. *Hugs and cries*
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
Well when I said one was sexier, I meant Riku cause he’ll always be my sexy beast!
Why on earth is he missing a rib? Did he get into an accident or something…? Is he a jerk?
Riku is very smexy in that pic. *drool*
Woof *bark bark*
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
xD Right? (Wait--which is sexier? I think, on the scale of sexy, they are about the same...kinda...)
The first is Eyes Rutherford from Spiral--he was the Riku look-a-like I was talking about. (He's be Riku if he were a bit more
fatmuscular, could wield a Keyblade, wasn't missing a rib, was nicer, and didn't wear so much god damn leather.)And of course the second is Riku
who is breath taking/getting an ego boost.;~; Mew. *Paws at*
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
They are wearing diffrent clothes and one is sexier than the other. (translation: what diffrence???)
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
xD Tell me the difference.
Eyes Rutherford -----> http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x285/zira1991/spiral/eyes%20rutherford/35.jpg
Riku -----> http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m263/Vash_3/Kingdom%20Hearts/riku.jpg
(Besides name and eye color xDDDD)
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
;~; *Eats her candy bar and doesn't argue with* Spiral's about this really smart kid who has, like, NO ego/self-esteem AT ALL because he thinks that no matter what he does it'll always end up as him just "copying" his brother (who has stolen everything away from him and it's SAD)--then there are the Blade Children (and this guy who looks EXACTLY like Riku (the guy's in my avi)). It's great. And thank you
don't bloat my non-existent ego though xD.Yus, from Fruits Basket. xD Ayame amazes me with his
egoself-esteem. So celebrate!HUGS ARE LOVE! X333 <33333
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
No you aren’t. I do that too. :D (What anime is that about?) I still like your cards. They’re funny.
Ayame Sohma? (From Fruits Basket?) I shall post more to celebrate his over bl- I mean, perfection.
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
;-; I am full of fail, though. I get ahead of myself in a fandom (lately its been Spiral - Suiri no Kizuna) and end up producing things that are nothing more than incoherent sentences (I blame
Rikumy ego for that).Yes, post away! Ayame Sohma demands that you post away to celebrate his
over bloated egoperfection!I LOVE HUGS! :D
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
You don't fail, you make funny cards in the
holywomb of the Otaku. That reminds me, i have to post some pics i drew.*GLOMP*
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
Really thank you so much!
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/27/09 | Reply
;-; Yes, we shall. (
Friends are always love xD)Oh geez. At least you can do art. I, on the other hand, am full of FAIL. D: The best thing I have ever drawn was probably the Road to Eldorado for DJ and I'd ficling (
or maybe my best thing was that RiSo pic I did for Psychology XD). Yus. Produce stories in itsholywomb. x3*Loves HUGS! xD*
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/27/09 | Reply
Oh? Then I shall go look! (With my
epic!failsuperb reading/holy goddessness. xD)Last edited by RikusWings at 5:46:50 PM EDT on March 27, 2009.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
Really? then we shall be loners together.
TT_____TT We shall be friends... if you want.
And I'm mainly a writer because my art needs a lotof work. That is what I shall mostly produce in teh womb of Otaku! :3
*huggletackleglompsqueeze back*
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
I usually post up my work on another website but no one really looks at it there. And I posted a story in my worlds though.
THANK YOU *takleglompsqueeze*
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
Ah, I know how you feel. I'm a loner here too. xD Just do my business when I'm on, thank people for comments, and go to bed. I'd talk to you. :3
xD You guess? Well, I'll take that! And you're welcome. I can't wait to see what you produce in the womb that is the Otaku (and that sounded REALLY
weirdsmart xD).And--holy heck a glompthugsqueeze!! @-@ *Hugglompsqueezes back*
<3 Riku
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
Oh yeah, I saw the post.
And... well truth be told I'm kind of a loner on the Otaku. D: Not many ppl to talk too.
But I guess you've convinced me. And thanks for the subscription. Means alot! *glomphugglesqueeze*
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
Sigh. I'll try i havent had enough time lately but I'll try. I don't see what's the point anyway since no one else looks at my stuff. D:
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
Ooooh, snappage. xD Might as well take the time out for reasonings. xD
Someone told me that you weren't getting on as often (actually they dedicated something to you and asked people to convince you to get on). So, here I am doing a little dance--*dances*--so that you'll get on some more.
*Puppy dog eyes* Have I convinced the person's superb friend? ;-;
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
do somthing like right a new chapter of your story or thumbnail a pic of riku
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/22/08 | Reply
Hai there Vexy!
You have found me. XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/22/08 | Reply
hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!