You know, its so rare to see europeans around here. I apologize if I assumed that your european but you said in your intro and I felt I should greet another comrade of ours. XD
You live on Italy, right? Portugal here.
I also read that you have a some problems with english, am I right? No worries. This is the best place to improve it! I was just like you a couple of years ago and with a help of this comunity you will be talking and writing like english is your first language.
Please come any time if you need help with that part or moving around this place, I will be more than glad to give you hand.
And my oh my, where is my manners. I'm Shadowlight, a good old member of this site.
Welcome to TheOtaku!
I hope you have a fantastic time while your with us!
Hi and welcome to TheO! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. It doesn't matter if you're not good in English, everyone would understand that. Try submitting some artworks if you got any or create a WORLD and post anything you want to talk about. Feel free to ask me or anyone if you're having problems or go to the chatroom if you want to make friends. See ya around!
Hello! Welcome to theO! I think your English is fantastic, so don't worry about it. ^^ I am part Italian and I looooove Italy and have always wanted to go there! (You lucky duc, you live there!) If you need help, or if you just want to talk, feel free to P.M. me and I hope we become good friends! Can't wait to see your artwork!
~~Have a super fantastical wonderific day! *llama*
thank u everybody! i'm very happy to have found this site! i know a lot of people think that italy is a beautiful country, but my city is very sad!!! Anyway thank u again! see ya!!
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
Welcome to Otaku! Italy, that's pretty cool. I hope to go there myself someday soon. Death Note's pretty good. I'm wondering, have you ever heard of Lackadaisy Cats? I've been following it for a year or so and I recently heard it was getting published over in Italy.
Anyway, I hope you have fun here. If you need anything just send a message.
~Sinny Regnavi
Last edited by The Eighth Sin at 7:43:26 PM EST on February 3, 2009.
Hi there! ^^ Welcome to theOtaku! Make a lot of friends here, and my english is not very good too xD
Share your artworks with us and enjoy your stay ^^
Yoroshiku ne!
Last edited by Hikarun at 7:42:23 PM EST on February 3, 2009.
woo first sign XD
welcome to theotaku!
im red kie!
i have always wanted to go to italy i have always loved italian food and every thing looks so cool [i would guess XD]
this year at my school alot of kids took a trip to europ [and italy was one of the places that they went ] i wanted to go their so bad!
well anway i h0pe you enjoy your stay^^ and that we can become great freinds!
if you ever need any help please dont hesitate to aske!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/28/09 | Reply
hello ^.^
Otakuite | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
@soras pants:
near venice! rome is really will loved it!
soras pants
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
buongiorno! from italy? way cool! were in italy? this winter i went to rome!
Last edited by soras pants at 8:59:42 AM EST on February 7, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Hey there fellow european!
You know, its so rare to see europeans around here. I apologize if I assumed that your european but you said in your intro and I felt I should greet another comrade of ours. XD
You live on Italy, right? Portugal here.
I also read that you have a some problems with english, am I right? No worries. This is the best place to improve it! I was just like you a couple of years ago and with a help of this comunity you will be talking and writing like english is your first language.
Please come any time if you need help with that part or moving around this place, I will be more than glad to give you hand.
And my oh my, where is my manners. I'm Shadowlight, a good old member of this site.
Welcome to TheOtaku!
I hope you have a fantastic time while your with us!
Take care.
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Hi and welcome to TheO!
I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. It doesn't matter if you're not good in English, everyone would understand that. Try submitting some artworks if you got any or create a WORLD and post anything you want to talk about. Feel free to ask me or anyone if you're having problems or go to the chatroom if you want to make friends. See ya around! 
Otakuite | Posted 02/04/09 | Reply
hello! welcome here! I also love death note! I woul love to see your artworks., have fun here!
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/04/09 | Reply
Hello! Welcome to theO! I think your English is fantastic, so don't worry about it. ^^ I am part Italian and I looooove Italy and have always wanted to go there! (You lucky duc, you live there!) If you need help, or if you just want to talk, feel free to P.M. me and I hope we become good friends! Can't wait to see your artwork!
~~Have a super fantastical wonderific day! *llama*
Otakuite | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
thank u everybody! i'm very happy to have found this site! i know a lot of people think that italy is a beautiful country, but my city is very sad!!! Anyway thank u again! see ya!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
death note is like five different types of amazing. i love it too. welcome to The O. enjoy.
The Eighth Sin
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
Welcome to Otaku! Italy, that's pretty cool. I hope to go there myself someday soon. Death Note's pretty good. I'm wondering, have you ever heard of Lackadaisy Cats? I've been following it for a year or so and I recently heard it was getting published over in Italy.
Anyway, I hope you have fun here. If you need anything just send a message.
~Sinny Regnavi
Last edited by The Eighth Sin at 7:43:26 PM EST on February 3, 2009.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
Hi there! ^^ Welcome to theOtaku! Make a lot of friends here, and my english is not very good too xD
Share your artworks with us and enjoy your stay ^^
Yoroshiku ne!
Last edited by Hikarun at 7:42:23 PM EST on February 3, 2009.
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
woo first sign XD
welcome to theotaku!
im red kie!
i have always wanted to go to italy i have always loved italian food and every thing looks so cool [i would guess XD]
this year at my school alot of kids took a trip to europ [and italy was one of the places that they went ] i wanted to go their so bad!
well anway i h0pe you enjoy your stay^^ and that we can become great freinds!
if you ever need any help please dont hesitate to aske!
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(