hi! wow. it's almost been a month since i've been here. i hope you'll visit this site as soon as possible too. anyway, i'll give you my email add just in case you want to keep in touch outside theO. xQQ. fllayallsteryamato@yahoo.com
i'm sorry if it took me long to reply. i went back to our hometown last week and i didn't have internet connection until now. anyway, yes, i strongly suggest you read citrus! it's an awesome story. i can't spoil you though. please read it, you won't regrert it. -D
Well, I've been a member since 2007! I just could not leave this site for good. But I haven't been in contact with the people I've made friends with so it's awkward popping back here again. Being left out and all. Haha. That aside, since you love yuri, are you familiar with citrus?
Thank you! your icon is cute as well. -bows- and good to meet you! sorry if im not on much, im more often found on crunchyroll anime site. (im aritaou on there)
Of course! Why would it bother me if you were to dedicate it to me? I'm very honored, thank you so much! :)
And no worries, you're not imposing at all. I vollunteered, and so I must do my best.
When I write stories, they tend to be much better if I type them out rather than write them. I'd only be writing the story to create a major outline, then I would elaborate as I typed it. That's how I do things. XDD
Thanks so much for your support. You can post all you want on that world. ;)
i SEE...i wondered why the original author had to quit writing the story..It really gave us readers quite a frustration...You write first in hand before you type it in the computer??..I do that too...Nothing comes out of my mind if I stare at the monitor.But my work is crappy..hehe
I'm very thankful that you will continue the story so I have no right to complain how long you could finish the story..I hope I'm not imposing on you...
I've been a fan for 3 months now..I don't know why, hehe..I just like how their relationship develops in the story..
Thanks really!!!..I'm going to do a konosetsu fan art..Hope you would not mind if I dedicate it to you..But first I need to buy a mouse..hehe..I got it destroyed..T.T
Heheh, Of course I'd do my best to complete it. I'd probably have to make a few minor changes to create a plot I'd understand because as far as I can tell the original writer wasn't going to an exact point while writing it (maybe they didn't have a clear idea of where they were going with it, and that could be why they quit?) Hmm... It could take me a while, cuz I'd want to write it out by hand first to get the idea for what to type. Would that be okay..? :O
How long have you been a Konosetsu fan..? I've been one for near six years now. XD
waah!!!!..you made my day today!..I'm so glad you replied to my post..I like the fanfiction a lot..Would you really continue it??I would love to read it!!..I was down for how many weeks because of it..I even made my own fanfiction..T.T..Please..Continue if you may..
And about that other fanfiction... I couldn't find the ending to it! *hides* I could probably eaily mimic the fanfiction writing style and complete it though at some point. I'm great at studying a person's writing style to mimic. XDD *has sadly been forced to do it before* I couldn't find it but maybe I could finish it..? What do you think..? :) ?
waah, please..I need the continuation of the fanfiction..onegai..T.T..I can't sleep because of it..The onw where konoka was the cheerleading squad and Setsuna the capatain of baseball..T.T
lol..a konosetsu fan..I'm a big fan of konosetsu too...I fell in love with this couple only this year though..lol..For 6 years, you've been a solid fan..Nice meeting you..HOpe we could talk a lot..The latest chapter was 279 right??..Ack, I especially liked chapter 274..Setsuna was so freaking cool there..I could not resist drawing her..See my icon??XD..Ahaha, Sorry, I babbled a lot here.^^
Hey it's Shini-musubi!(a.k.a Sami)i found you but i just don't know how to add ou as a friend. oh well.
Love and Death,
The Shini-musubi. "My heart asked for a break from love so it could only be with you, but instead my heart was broken by you. You let me know that we were through. But you never knew how much I loved you."
I knew I forgot something on here but I didn't know what it was. I subscribed for you Set-chan!!!! ^_^
I've heard alot about you from Asagi, she says your nice.
Well i think im gona visit ur worlds now =)
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/20/14 | Reply
OH okay i'll be sure to send you a mail! sorry hit a busy time i just got a job so ive had no time to myself lately. >< its nice talking to you.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/20/14 | Reply
hi! wow. it's almost been a month since i've been here. i hope you'll visit this site as soon as possible too. anyway, i'll give you my email add just in case you want to keep in touch outside theO. xQQ. fllayallsteryamato@yahoo.com
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/15/14 | Reply
I read it, and it was incredibly amazing! thank you for the recommendation. -smiles- its fine. im rather hiatus about this site, sadly. how are you?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/06/13 | Reply
i'm sorry if it took me long to reply. i went back to our hometown last week and i didn't have internet connection until now. anyway, yes, i strongly suggest you read citrus! it's an awesome story. i can't spoil you though. please read it, you won't regrert it. -D
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Actually, no, i havent heard of that. should i look into it? whats the story? (i barely manage contact sadly)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/18/13 | Reply
Well, I've been a member since 2007! I just could not leave this site for good. But I haven't been in contact with the people I've made friends with so it's awkward popping back here again. Being left out and all. Haha. That aside, since you love yuri, are you familiar with citrus?
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/18/13 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
Sadly i do not. I barely have the time to update recently..
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/12/13 | Reply
Thank you! It's okay. ^^,
Ow, too bad I don't have crunchyroll account. Anyway, do you have Myanimelist account?
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/12/13 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
Thank you! your icon is cute as well. -bows- and good to meet you! sorry if im not on much, im more often found on crunchyroll anime site. (im aritaou on there)
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/05/13 | Reply
Hello there, your Mikasa icon is so pretty.
Oh btw, Nice to meet you. =D
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/04/13 | Reply
^__^ And thank you, for making nice things.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/04/13 | Reply
Thank you for the subs. (≧∇≦)/
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
You have good work, thanks for the return sub! ^___^/
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Thanks for the sub
....subs back
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Thank you, much. ^^
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/18/10 | Reply
Waah! Your avi is so cute! KonoSetsu!!!
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/31/10 | Reply
Of course! Why would it bother me if you were to dedicate it to me? I'm very honored, thank you so much! :)
And no worries, you're not imposing at all. I vollunteered, and so I must do my best.
When I write stories, they tend to be much better if I type them out rather than write them. I'd only be writing the story to create a major outline, then I would elaborate as I typed it. That's how I do things. XDD
Thanks so much for your support. You can post all you want on that world. ;)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/31/10 | Reply
i SEE...i wondered why the original author had to quit writing the story..It really gave us readers quite a frustration...You write first in hand before you type it in the computer??..I do that too...Nothing comes out of my mind if I stare at the monitor.But my work is crappy..hehe
I'm very thankful that you will continue the story so I have no right to complain how long you could finish the story..I hope I'm not imposing on you...
I've been a fan for 3 months now..I don't know why, hehe..I just like how their relationship develops in the story..
Thanks really!!!..I'm going to do a konosetsu fan art..Hope you would not mind if I dedicate it to you..But first I need to buy a mouse..hehe..I got it destroyed..T.T
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/29/10 | Reply
Heheh, Of course I'd do my best to complete it. I'd probably have to make a few minor changes to create a plot I'd understand because as far as I can tell the original writer wasn't going to an exact point while writing it (maybe they didn't have a clear idea of where they were going with it, and that could be why they quit?) Hmm... It could take me a while, cuz I'd want to write it out by hand first to get the idea for what to type. Would that be okay..? :O
How long have you been a Konosetsu fan..? I've been one for near six years now. XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/28/10 | Reply
waah!!!!..you made my day today!..I'm so glad you replied to my post..I like the fanfiction a lot..Would you really continue it??I would love to read it!!..I was down for how many weeks because of it..I even made my own fanfiction..T.T..Please..Continue if you may..
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Ahh! I'm sorry, I haven't been on for ages. X__x
And about that other fanfiction... I couldn't find the ending to it! *hides* I could probably eaily mimic the fanfiction writing style and complete it though at some point. I'm great at studying a person's writing style to mimic. XDD *has sadly been forced to do it before* I couldn't find it but maybe I could finish it..? What do you think..? :) ?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/21/10 | Reply
waah, please..I need the continuation of the fanfiction..onegai..T.T..I can't sleep because of it..The onw where konoka was the cheerleading squad and Setsuna the capatain of baseball..T.T
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/18/10 | Reply
lol..a konosetsu fan..I'm a big fan of konosetsu too...I fell in love with this couple only this year though..lol..For 6 years, you've been a solid fan..Nice meeting you..HOpe we could talk a lot..The latest chapter was 279 right??..Ack, I especially liked chapter 274..Setsuna was so freaking cool there..I could not resist drawing her..See my icon??XD..Ahaha, Sorry, I babbled a lot here.^^
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/31/09 | Reply
No Problem~ Sorry that I'm not on much anymore. XDD
Otakuite | Posted 11/27/09 | Reply
Thanks for the message and the warm welcome :D Hope that we can get along well ^^ And glad to be part of the "club" now xD
Otakuite | Posted 10/07/08 | Reply
Love and Death,
The Shini-musubi. "My heart asked for a break from love so it could only be with you, but instead my heart was broken by you. You let me know that we were through. But you never knew how much I loved you."
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
I knew I forgot something on here but I didn't know what it was. I subscribed for you Set-chan!!!! ^_^
I've heard alot about you from Asagi, she says your nice.
Well i think im gona visit ur worlds now =)
excuse my horrid language =|
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/07/08 | Reply
ill add u and talk to me and rj we love yuri heheheheheehe
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
I'm sorry I didn't come and sing sooner Well have a nice day! Oo and I don't mind if u add me!
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/16/08 | Reply
Hi, sure you can add me. ill add you too. ^_^