Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
I don't speak spanish, but I just want to GLOMP you because I love Tales of Symphonia *HUGS*
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Konichiwa! :D Welcome to theOtaku! :D I hope you enjoy your time on here, there's plenty of things to do! :D If you need a friend, or need someone to talk to, feel free to ask me! :D
lets see you wrote
"Hola, soy Sheena Symphonia y estoy tambien en Deviantart ^^ Me gusta el anime, el manga y los videojuegos... we, no se que mas decir... xDD"
kay..lets see if i can attenpt to translate ^^;
i think you said: Hi, I'm Sheena Symphonia and I am also on Deviantart ^^ I like anime, manga, and video games... 'we', do not know what else to say... xDD
xD yeah...uh i think thats what you said
well this was fun...
hi im Riska, and i wanted to welcome you to theO
i cant speak Spanish for my life, and that little translation was about all i knew xD
and you have really awesome art btw^^
HOLA,NYA!!!!! Como estas,nya? Yo espedo que tu tengas mucho amigos y amigas in el otaku,nya! Srry,nya! I'm spanish,but i cant seem to write,nyu! But,i love speaking in spanish,i'll need some more practice,though.Well,i hope you have fun here in the otaku,nya!
Hello o Hola! Whats up? I saw your introduction and your name...I LOVE TALES OF SYMPHONIA and Sheena is one of my most favorite characters. Well if you need anything just let me know, okay? Also, i know quite a bit of spanish, im not fluent or anything but i could probably understand most of what you say, hopefully Hope we can be friends. Adios!
Last edited by Shichibukai09 at 5:46:42 PM EDT on September 7, 2009.
Hola y welcome to theO~ Have fun and enjoy your time here! XD
If you have any problems or questions, feel free to ask me!
I have a request World, where you can ask me to do tons of stuff! If you'd like, check it out! 8D
Hope we can get along~ =3
Hola! Se un poco espanol. Entiendo un poco...pienso. (sorry if my Spanish is bad, if you understand English. I've been taking classes for 7 years since 2nd grade, but I still get confused.)
so can you speak english?
o nomas saves español?
(if you know english sorry for bad spanish speaking-_-i know how to say the words but i forgot how to spell themXP)
Sheena!!!!! Bienvenida a theOtaku
Juasz ahora no solo tendras que soportarme en DA jajajaja xD
Bueno pasalo bien y si necesitas ayuda ya sabes donde encontrarme =3
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
I don't speak spanish, but I just want to GLOMP you because I love Tales of Symphonia
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
Konichiwa! :D Welcome to theOtaku! :D I hope you enjoy your time on here, there's plenty of things to do! :D If you need a friend, or need someone to talk to, feel free to ask me! :D
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
hi im Cia!
and welcome to theO!!
you can submit TONS of artworks such as eCards,wallpapers and even ur
you can also join challenges and see if you can win yourself a medal!
don't forget to subscribe anyone you've met!
to sub someone simply go to that certain someone's profile and click on the +heart button..
hope we can be friends..
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
lets see you wrote
"Hola, soy Sheena Symphonia y estoy tambien en Deviantart ^^ Me gusta el anime, el manga y los videojuegos... we, no se que mas decir... xDD"
kay..lets see if i can attenpt to translate ^^;
i think you said: Hi, I'm Sheena Symphonia and I am also on Deviantart ^^ I like anime, manga, and video games... 'we', do not know what else to say... xDD
xD yeah...uh i think thats what you said
well this was fun...
hi im Riska, and i wanted to welcome you to theO
i cant speak Spanish for my life, and that little translation was about all i knew xD
and you have really awesome art btw^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Lets see how good my Spanish is...
Hola SheenaSymphonia! Comó estas? Bienvenido a theOtaku.
Yeah... lets stop there. Two years of Spanish classes for nothing.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it here. Lots of friendly people here.
And have a great week!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
HOLA,NYA!!!!! Como estas,nya? Yo espedo que tu tengas mucho amigos y amigas in el otaku,nya! Srry,nya! I'm spanish,but i cant seem to write,nyu!
But,i love speaking in spanish,i'll need some more practice,though.Well,i hope you have fun here in the otaku,nya!

Otakuite+ | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Hello o Hola!
Whats up? I saw your introduction and your name...I LOVE TALES OF SYMPHONIA
and Sheena is one of my most favorite characters. Well if you need anything just let me know, okay? Also, i know quite a bit of spanish, im not fluent or anything but i could probably understand most of what you say, hopefully
Hope we can be friends. Adios!
Last edited by Shichibukai09 at 5:46:42 PM EDT on September 7, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Hola y welcome to theO~ Have fun and enjoy your time here! XD
If you have any problems or questions, feel free to ask me!
I have a request World, where you can ask me to do tons of stuff! If you'd like, check it out! 8D
Hope we can get along~ =3
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
I don't mind.
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Hello!! Thx ^^
I speak a little bit english... i don't speak english very well n.nU
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Bienvenida! Yo se poco espanol, MUY poco espanol. Pero que I se inglese muy bien.
Wow that took alot out of me, please excuse my excessively horrible spanish. Hope you have fun around here, I'd love to be your friend!
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Hello!!! I don't Speak english very well... but i speak english a little bit xD
Tu español es muy bueno =D No te preocupes ^^
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Hola! Se un poco espanol. Entiendo un poco...pienso. (sorry if my Spanish is bad, if you understand English. I've been taking classes for 7 years since 2nd grade, but I still get confused.)
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
I don't speak english very well... but i speak english a little bit xD
Don't worry about spanish, i understand you xD
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
@cresendo pianist:
Thx!!!! =DDDD
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
so can you speak english?
o nomas saves español?
(if you know english sorry for bad spanish speaking-_-i know how to say the words but i forgot how to spell themXP)
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Hi! Welcome to theO! :)
cresendo pianist
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
welcome to theO!!!
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Thx!!!! n.n
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
welcome to the site
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Gracias!!! =DDD
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
hola, welcome to the O
Otakuite | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Yo encantada de soportarte xDDDD
We, asias!!! =D
SCANDALous!! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/07/09 | Reply
Sheena!!!!! Bienvenida a theOtaku
Juasz ahora no solo tendras que soportarme en DA jajajaja xD
Bueno pasalo bien y si necesitas ayuda ya sabes donde encontrarme =3
Ja ne!