hehehe. Thank you for trying so hard to find 10 reason though there might actually be 3 tops. lol.
And of course I laugh. You're a pretty funny gal, if I may say so myself. Your little dancing Japanese symbol dude (I don't know what they call him) is adorable. >.<
Oh, and thank you so much! I'm definitely not super talented or anything but it means a lot to hear that my stuff is cute from you. Thanks buddy :3
Oh, and yay for Gaara with a sundae (and ramen noodle day XDDD).
(now for another "Oh, and" moment)
Oh, and I just love Teppei-kun. He's soooo cuuuute. Can't help but want his smexy little self for my avatar. lol.
You have the most sexy/cutest icon of ALL TIMEEEE! I want to just hug him! xD o.o though he's not as beautiful as Jaejoong he comes soooo close. (sry jae will always have my heart! <u>~♥) Plus we have the same name ._. i have to love him....
Reason number 2.. You are a very caring person who listens to people more than just the outside picture ^_^
Reason 3, rockin' sense of humor
Reason 4, YOU LAUGH AT MY FRICKIN JOKES! no one thinks i'm funny O_O YESSSSS ♥-♥-♥ *does moon walk*
Reason 5, I have a pickle
Reason 7, your drawings are so cute!!!=^-^=
Reason 9, I WANT YOUR LOOOOOOooOOOOOOooooOO!!!VVVEEE! oh wait i was still singing the song there!!! ^^;;;
Reason 10, *looks around room* uhh.... ICE CREAM!
Last edited by somegirl at 6:17:45 PM EDT on May 12, 2009.
haha. Wow! You're right. He does look a lot like him in that pic. Awesome.
Gotta love LoveCom (of course, I haven't technically finished it so no spoilers please. I also only got to see the first half of the movie. Planning on watching it once I finish the manga or anime).
hahaha. He's Koike Teppei. Super cute little actor/idol dude. Fell in love with him when I was in Japan two years ago and saw his picture in a photo album room thing in Harajuku full of prints of pictures of idols that you could buy.
He plays Atsushi Ootani in the live action Lovely Complex movie :3
How could I not run to watch what this user is up to when he/she has such a cool username? Hahaha, hope you are having a great time here on theO. I'll be snooping around your stuff now, so if you see a suspicious looking person; no worries, it's just me ^___^
hahaha. It's nice of you to say you like my art and that it's good. Thank you!
Personally, I think Just Hangin' is one of my better pieces of art so it makes me really happy to hear that you like it (it makes my sister happy, too, because she totally loves it. lol).
I'm in Japan right now. I might not get to go to Akihabara this year (because it's a little far away and I'm rather busy) but I did go last summer and it is really awesome!! I hope that you have a chance to go someday. It is a genuinely amazing place and I would love to live here.
You probally don't know me I'm still kinda new and don't have many friends here yet(besides DEIDARATOBICLAN)but I saw some of your art work and I really liked "Just Hang'in" it was really good... I also checked out your latest world and I'm impressed! You really went to Japan the capital of anime and manga!! How awesome it sounded like a lot of fun... wish I could go but... I could never afford it(well my parents couldn't)any way just wanted to say hi and hope to be friends!!See ya!!
Hai. Takusan nihonjin no pen pal ga imasu. Aika-chan ya Azu-chan ya Nene-chan ya Reona-chan desu. Gunmaken, Maebashi ni sundeimasu.
Hai. Watashi wa America ni sundeimasu. Kansas City ni sundeimasu. Kansas wa America no naka desu. Yama jyanai, umi jyanai. Totemo tsumaranai desu. hahaha.
Aaaah. I kinda know some Spanish too, but I didn't think it was Spanish eithr. Portuguese would really make sense. What with them being veeerrryyy similar and still different. Why are people saying that, I wonder?
yes. yes i am.. XD heehee♥ and i think that what MARIK2000 typed means.. i will take everything under the rainbow... O.O i think,,, i know spanish but i dont think its spanish.. maybe portuguese..?? i;ve seen dat comment a couple of times across theo.. O.O so yea..
haha. Thanks. Your's is cute too^^ I love your name. Kukki. lol. Makes me want to have my name be kohi. (sorry if I've confused you. I have a tendency of doing that...)
Hey, just thought I'd sign ur GB! XD Thank you so much for commenting my artworks and supporting me, it really means alot to me! ^^ *hugs* hope u have a great day! Take care~! *hugs*
Wooh! Thankyou SO much for commenting on my fanart! I really appreciate it. So to show my gratitude towards you I am signing your guestbook and subscribing to you! LOL Your fanart has a nice style to it! I like it. So anyways, I can't wait to see some updates from ya.
Gotta go now.
See ya!
Allo :]
THanks for the many comments ^___^
You have some cute pics in your portfolio :D
uguu, For some reason this site won't let me sign guestbooks and subscribe to some ppl too TT^TT
well, cya around :]
Well, I would color one in...if I didn't suck at coloring. lol. I have tried scanning a pic into the computer and coloring it in Paint but it always ends up looking like crap...It might look ok before I save it, but after I save it is another story. It warps and gets all fuzzy. Looks horrible. I will try though. Maybe I'll color one with colored pencil?
I'm really happy that you like my art though. Thank you!
HI~! Shika-chan~! how's it going~!? YAYNESS i gotta chance to subcribe to you and sign ur guestbook~! ^w^ kewl! see ya around theO!
=^._.^=JiSa wuvs joos~!
Thanks^^ It really means a lot. And yeah, I'm trying to get my neck better (cuz it's the very end of my senior year of high school and I can't miss school like this!!) but it's not working much. Eeeerrrr.
I can't wait to see more of your stuff, by the way. n_n
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
howdy doody, shika! thanks for the lovely comments you gave me on my art/manga. much much appreciation! well, i thought that since you're so nice, i might as well toss a signature your way!
so, i have to say, i hope you feel better with your neck and all! keep up your great art and ideas; they're very unique.
well, see you around theO sometime soon! sayonara. :3
Hello :) Just thought i'd sign your guestbook! Thanks for the comment on my card by the way :D Don't worry Ima comment your art after I sign XP I like your user name too! Chitchat l8ers!
RAWR! ^_^ Thought i'd sign your GB. Yus. Erm, nice to meetcha and fings. I did try signing a while ago, but for some reason the dratted thing never loaded, or it just signed me out... Odd that.
But here i am, so helloooo! Perhaps i should have thought of something wise + witty to say, or rather, type. *coughs*
"Don't step on the mome-raths!" Yes. Good advice that *nods and smiles*
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/03/11 | Reply
HA! I sign TOO, oh tomoDACHI-chan :3
Last edited by Sweetpastadreamin at 9:35:44 PM CDT on October 3, 2011.
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/04/09 | Reply
Awe i ♥ your art...You sould post more of them..^^...Your MyO page is very awesome as well..Keep it up...See you around..(Hopfully)..Hehe
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
hehehe. Thank you for trying so hard to find 10 reason though there might actually be 3 tops. lol.
And of course I laugh. You're a pretty funny gal, if I may say so myself. Your little dancing Japanese symbol dude (I don't know what they call him) is adorable. >.<
Oh, and thank you so much! I'm definitely not super talented or anything but it means a lot to hear that my stuff is cute from you. Thanks buddy :3
Oh, and yay for Gaara with a sundae (and ramen noodle day XDDD).
(now for another "Oh, and" moment)
Oh, and I just love Teppei-kun. He's soooo cuuuute. Can't help but want his smexy little self for my avatar. lol.
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/12/09 | Reply
I add you for the following reasons:
Last edited by somegirl at 6:17:45 PM EDT on May 12, 2009.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/15/09 | Reply
haha. Wow! You're right. He does look a lot like him in that pic. Awesome.
Gotta love LoveCom (of course, I haven't technically finished it so no spoilers please. I also only got to see the first half of the movie. Planning on watching it once I finish the manga or anime).
I love your name, by the way.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
hahaha. He's Koike Teppei. Super cute little actor/idol dude. Fell in love with him when I was in Japan two years ago and saw his picture in a photo album room thing in Harajuku full of prints of pictures of idols that you could buy.
He plays Atsushi Ootani in the live action Lovely Complex movie :3
AP Ichigo
Japan Bureau (Podcasters) | Posted 02/26/09 | Reply
Happy Birthday.
-the AP crew
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/26/08 | Reply
*sincerely thought she did this already*
>.> ... <.< ... >.> ... Hi. ^_^
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/26/08 | Reply
Shame your Aim decided to kill itself and what. Maybe this way I'll get a banter-substitute.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
How could I not run to watch what this user is up to when he/she has such a cool username? Hahaha, hope you are having a great time here on theO. I'll be snooping around your stuff now, so if you see a suspicious looking person; no worries, it's just me ^___^
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/14/08 | Reply
hahaha. It's nice of you to say you like my art and that it's good. Thank you!
Personally, I think Just Hangin' is one of my better pieces of art so it makes me really happy to hear that you like it (it makes my sister happy, too, because she totally loves it. lol).
I'm in Japan right now. I might not get to go to Akihabara this year (because it's a little far away and I'm rather busy) but I did go last summer and it is really awesome!! I hope that you have a chance to go someday. It is a genuinely amazing place and I would love to live here.
I think we can be friends^^
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
You probally don't know me I'm still kinda new and don't have many friends here yet(besides DEIDARATOBICLAN)but I saw some of your art work and I really liked "Just Hang'in" it was really good... I also checked out your latest world and I'm impressed! You really went to Japan the capital of anime and manga!! How awesome it sounded like a lot of fun... wish I could go but... I could never afford it(well my parents couldn't)any way just wanted to say hi and hope to be friends!!See ya!!

Otaku Legend | Posted 09/17/08 | Reply
Hai. Takusan nihonjin no pen pal ga imasu. Aika-chan ya Azu-chan ya Nene-chan ya Reona-chan desu. Gunmaken, Maebashi ni sundeimasu.
Hai. Watashi wa America ni sundeimasu. Kansas City ni sundeimasu. Kansas wa America no naka desu. Yama jyanai, umi jyanai. Totemo tsumaranai desu. hahaha.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
Watashi no nihonjin no pen-pal wa taitei onna desu kara, otoko wa cool desu. hahaha.
Ah. Watashi wa genki desu. Arubaito kara, zutto nemui. Demo, arubaito kara, nihon ni ikimasu. Dakara, shiawase desu. Yuudai wa? Genki desuka?
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
Arigatou. Furigana ga ii desu.
Aa. Otoko desu ka? Soudesuka. Cool :)
Shinjuki ni sundeimasuka? Sugoi!! Isogashii desu ne?
Gomen nasai. Saigo no bun wo wakarimasen. Mou ichido kudasai. Chigau.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/08 | Reply
Daijoubu. Hiragana to katakana wo wakarimasu :) Nihongo ga ii desu. Renshuu wo shitai desu.
Watashi wa onna no hito desu. Yuudai mo onna desu ka? Nippon no naka de doko ni sundeimasuka? Daigaku ni ikimasu ka?
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/08 | Reply
Ah! Gomen nasai. Watashi wa sukoshi kanji wo shiteiru. Kimi no kanji wo wakarimasen. Gomen.
Demo, watashi no namae wa Savannah desu. Jyuu kyuu sai desu. Nihon ni iku toki ni Gunma, Maebashi ni iku tsumori desu.
Kimi no namae wa nan desu ka? Nan sai desu ka?
Manga-ka (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/08 | Reply
Thanks for the stellar comment^^ *hugglz*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
Ooooo. Coolio. Why, I wonder??
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
Ok I'm finally subscribing you now :)
Last edited by Grayfire at 5:27:11 PM EDT on September 7, 2008.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/05/08 | Reply
@imouto chan:
Yes, yes. It's perfectly ok^^
I love your avatar, by the way.
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/30/08 | Reply
Hey there! Thanks for the upbuilding comment ^^
Hope it's ok it I subscribe!
Imouto chan~
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/30/08 | Reply
♥thank you's to you♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/30/08 | Reply
Aaaah. Makes sense.
Oh, and...
Yay. Panda :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/29/08 | Reply
XD idk i think thats hes catch phrase.. he typed that all over peoples profile.. XD yay go uss!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/08 | Reply
Aaaah. I kinda know some Spanish too, but I didn't think it was Spanish eithr. Portuguese would really make sense. What with them being veeerrryyy similar and still different. Why are people saying that, I wonder?
Well, I am also female so...go us! lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/08 | Reply
yes. yes i am.. XD heehee♥ and i think that what MARIK2000 typed means.. i will take everything under the rainbow... O.O i think,,, i know spanish but i dont think its spanish.. maybe portuguese..?? i;ve seen dat comment a couple of times across theo.. O.O so yea..
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/08 | Reply
Um...I'm sorry, but I have basically no clue what you just said....Sorry!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/08 | Reply
Me too! We're like....sisters or something. lol.
You are a girl, right? xP
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/27/08 | Reply
kohi sounds cute♥ n-n no prob im confused... 80% of teh time XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/27/08 | Reply
haha. Thanks. Your's is cute too^^ I love your name. Kukki. lol. Makes me want to have my name be kohi. (sorry if I've confused you. I have a tendency of doing that...)
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/25/08 | Reply
hey there!!!
n-n just passing by
to wish you a very
happy day♥ etto!!
also!! i love your icon
XD its just too cute!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/24/08 | Reply
To mare todo lo que eate bajo el arco iris
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/16/08 | Reply
@Troublesum Shika:
hahaha. Yeah. He totally owns. lol.
And thanks^^ It's been a while since anyone mentioned my art :3
Troublesum Shika
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/15/08 | Reply
YAY! Another shikamaru Lover! Isnt Shika awesome? Your art is cool!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/04/08 | Reply
Hey, just thought I'd sign ur GB! XD Thank you so much for commenting my artworks and supporting me, it really means alot to me! ^^ *hugs* hope u have a great day!
Take care~! *hugs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/19/08 | Reply
Wooh! Thankyou SO much for commenting on my fanart! I really appreciate it. So to show my gratitude towards you I am signing your guestbook and subscribing to you! LOL Your fanart has a nice style to it! I like it. So anyways, I can't wait to see some updates from ya.
Gotta go now.
See ya!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/08 | Reply
haha. Thanks^^ I like your ava too! :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
@XxI wuv PockyxX:
Yeah, it's pretty annoying huh? Anyway, thanks for the compliment^^ and for signing my guestbook.
XxI wuv PockyxX
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
Allo :]
THanks for the many comments ^___^
You have some cute pics in your portfolio :D
uguu, For some reason this site won't let me sign guestbooks and subscribe to some ppl too TT^TT
well, cya around :]
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
hahaha. Glad to meet a fellow Kyo fan^^
Well, I would color one in...if I didn't suck at coloring. lol. I have tried scanning a pic into the computer and coloring it in Paint but it always ends up looking like crap...It might look ok before I save it, but after I save it is another story. It warps and gets all fuzzy. Looks horrible. I will try though. Maybe I'll color one with colored pencil?
I'm really happy that you like my art though. Thank you!
Otakuite | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
He He! I shall be your subscribor! (Uurgh...I can't spell...)
Your art is great! You should colour one in! Yay!
TokyoPurinChan! (I LOVE your avatar! Kyo rocks my socks!)
Jigoku Sakura
sourpatch kid (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
kay thens~!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
@Jigoku Sakura:
Aw! Thankie muches! I'll keep trying to subscribe. Maybe it'll let me one of these times??
Jigoku Sakura
sourpatch kid (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
HI~! Shika-chan~! how's it going~!? YAYNESS i gotta chance to subcribe to you and sign ur guestbook~! ^w^ kewl! see ya around theO!
=^._.^=JiSa wuvs joos~!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Thanks^^ It really means a lot. And yeah, I'm trying to get my neck better (cuz it's the very end of my senior year of high school and I can't miss school like this!!) but it's not working much. Eeeerrrr.
I can't wait to see more of your stuff, by the way. n_n
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
howdy doody, shika! thanks for the lovely comments you gave me on my art/manga. much much appreciation! well, i thought that since you're so nice, i might as well toss a signature your way!
so, i have to say, i hope you feel better with your neck and all! keep up your great art and ideas; they're very unique.
well, see you around theO sometime soon! sayonara. :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
Why, thank ye kindly! It means a lot for you to say that. Really. And I adoooore your avatar by the way ^^
Waste of Time is most definitely my favorite fan manga. Rock you. lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
ello ello! though id return th efavor for all those wonderful comments you leave on waste of time! i like your art style!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Thanks! I did send that card, by the way.
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Hello :) Just thought i'd sign your guestbook! Thanks for the comment on my card by the way :D Don't worry Ima comment your art after I sign XP I like your user name too! Chitchat l8ers!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
your welcome!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
hahaha. Thanks^^
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Yay i signed u!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
Aaaaw! Thank you! I just posted my first (lame) attempt at using MS Paint to color a pic. It didn't work out so hot. lol.
Your art is really cute, too!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/07/08 | Reply
haha. Awesome. Thanks.
I know!!! I've been trying to subscribe to some people and stuffs but the site keeps signing me out. Weeeeeeird. Oh wells...
Hrm. Nice advice ^______^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/08 | Reply
RAWR! ^_^ Thought i'd sign your GB. Yus. Erm, nice to meetcha and fings. I did try signing a while ago, but for some reason the dratted thing never loaded, or it just signed me out... Odd that.
But here i am, so helloooo! Perhaps i should have thought of something wise + witty to say, or rather, type. *coughs*
"Don't step on the mome-raths!" Yes. Good advice that *nods and smiles*
I be off now. Cheerio! *waves bye*