Quiz Results
What Ace Attorney Character Are You?
What Professor Layton And The Curious Village Character Are You?
And I have a silly voice!!!!!
What Type Of Twilight Fan Are You?
I don't exist!
Also the hawtest. Don't forget that.
Oh god it's the live-action chipmunks. STAY AWAY
What Type Of Adam Would YOU Be?
Cowboy Kumichou~~~~~
What Tales Of The Abyss Character Are You?
If I get a girl, why can't I get Natalia? :(
Not quite what I expected from a quiz that asked about what "Woodie" I am.
What Legendary Pokemon Are You?
Entei has a 'stache Teddy Roosevelt would be proud of.
As if there were any doubt. I also love that I am represented by Oscar. <3
Called it! Firo owns, though, so I'm happy.
What Final Fantasy: Dissidia Character Are You?
This result sucks. Nice banner, though.
Which SSB Character Would You Be?
What Are Your Last Words Before GAME OVER?
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