Hy shy16keith!^^ I'm Aries but you can call me anything you like C: Welcome To TheOtaku :D I hope you enjoying TheOtaku^^ C: :D :3 ^w^ >///< >.< >w< If you have any question or have problems with TheOtaku Feel Free to PM me^^ ^_~ I really appreciated it C: ^w^
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/19/11 | Reply
Hello! Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
I'm lhtkid, but you can call me Lea (not my real name, though). Welcome to theO! I'm pretty new here as well, but I've gotten the hang of things around here, so I can help you with most things! Just comment on my portfolio!
Hope we can become good friends~~ *subscribes*
BTW, if you have any anime songs that you really love, can you please tell me it? I sub anime songs on my Youtube channel and sometimes need ideas for what songs to sub. Feel free to check out my channel here if you want!
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/20/11 | Reply
Hy shy16keith!^^ I'm Aries but you can call me anything you like C: Welcome To TheOtaku :D I hope you enjoying TheOtaku^^ C: :D :3 ^w^ >///< >.< >w< If you have any question or have problems with TheOtaku Feel Free to PM me^^ ^_~ I really appreciated it C: ^w^
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/19/11 | Reply
Hello! Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/19/11 | Reply
Hey there and welcome to the site!
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/18/11 | Reply
Hi! Hola! Konichiwa! :D
I'm lhtkid, but you can call me Lea (not my real name, though). Welcome to theO! I'm pretty new here as well, but I've gotten the hang of things around here, so I can help you with most things! Just comment on my portfolio!
Hope we can become good friends~~ *subscribes*
BTW, if you have any anime songs that you really love, can you please tell me it? I sub anime songs on my Youtube channel and sometimes need ideas for what songs to sub. Feel free to check out my channel here if you want!