okaaaayyyyy maybe I can figure it out now, but its going to take a while. My dad has the scanner attached to his computer, so I need to sweet-talk him into letting me use it. the rest of it imma gonna have to read again. these smileys are SWEET!!!
Okayzzz...do you have a scanner? If you do then you can scan your drawings, save it on your computer, then upload it by going to a specific section, for instance, Fan Art, if you have fan art then post it there and click on submit to upload it. If you have fanart in the form of a short comic or long comic post in the Fan Manga section by click on the tab: Fan Manga and then clicking on submit. When you DO submit your art you will have to do as the thing says to fill out what you need before it's officially submitted. If you don't have any art to submit right now, don't yell at me! Okay, you can also comment. You can go to the Fan Art, Fan Comics, Cards, and Wallpapers sections to comment on things. To comment all you have to do is click on the picture that you want to comment on, scroll down and it will say comments...I think, I can't remember right now even though I have that window open. Now, you've commented on your portfolio, so you already know how to comment. Everybody here is USUALLY very nice, but people really DO want you to having something nice to say about their art or have something to help them with. It's always a good thing to read the creator of the art's comments about the art which is under the picture.
Another thing you probably want to know about is the Backroom and My Portfolio, myOtaku, My Favorites, and the other stuff that you see under the little greeting on the right of each page. Well, in the backroom, if you've subscribed to a person(as I have to you, if you want to subscribe to somebody just press the little heart. Subscribing is when you REALLY like their art or you want/are their friend)their recent art or posts on their worlds will be listed. At the top it says what you new comments you've received or have sent. myOtaku is hard to explain...so I won't tell you anything for that. Your portfolio is your status, what stuff you've posted, who's subscribed to you, and who's signed your guest book, which is what we are talking in right now. My Favorites is like your portfolio, except it has pictures that other people have drawn that are in your favorites. If you LOVE a picture, manga, wallpaper, or card to DEATH then when you click on the picture, manga, wallpaper, or card just like when you comment there will be hugs and favorites. Hugs are the thumbs up, if you like the picture then press this icon. The more hugs a drawing has the more popular it is. The heart is for the favorites, click this icon to favorite a picture. And then the thing the most people new to theO are confused about are the Worlds. You can create numerous worlds like your ShyDust's clutter World. Sometimes it's like your daily journal, you can post your fanfics or stories, and you can hold contests on them. They're basically like a really small version of your own website, that's what's so cool about theO! You can create it by going to your backroom, go to worlds, and obviously click "Creat World." And then your avatar, you can change it by going to Profile >> Avatar, and then do whatever they tell you to do. If you are still confused about anything, please ask or e-mail me.
WOW! That was a LOOOOON post! O.O I annoyed my mom by typing so much! ^ ^;
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
I've noticed your new avatar, ne? Want me to make it look COOLER? Photoshop style?
Otakuite | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
okaaaayyyyy maybe I can figure it out now, but its going to take a while. My dad has the scanner attached to his computer, so I need to sweet-talk him into letting me use it. the rest of it imma gonna have to read again.
these smileys are SWEET!!!
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
Okayzzz...do you have a scanner? If you do then you can scan your drawings, save it on your computer, then upload it by going to a specific section, for instance, Fan Art, if you have fan art then post it there and click on submit to upload it. If you have fanart in the form of a short comic or long comic post in the Fan Manga section by click on the tab: Fan Manga and then clicking on submit. When you DO submit your art you will have to do as the thing says to fill out what you need before it's officially submitted. If you don't have any art to submit right now, don't yell at me! Okay, you can also comment. You can go to the Fan Art, Fan Comics, Cards, and Wallpapers sections to comment on things. To comment all you have to do is click on the picture that you want to comment on, scroll down and it will say comments...I think, I can't remember right now even though I have that window open. Now, you've commented on your portfolio, so you already know how to comment. Everybody here is USUALLY very nice, but people really DO want you to having something nice to say about their art or have something to help them with. It's always a good thing to read the creator of the art's comments about the art which is under the picture.
Another thing you probably want to know about is the Backroom and My Portfolio, myOtaku, My Favorites, and the other stuff that you see under the little greeting on the right of each page. Well, in the backroom, if you've subscribed to a person(as I have to you, if you want to subscribe to somebody just press the little heart. Subscribing is when you REALLY like their art or you want/are their friend)their recent art or posts on their worlds will be listed. At the top it says what you new comments you've received or have sent. myOtaku is hard to explain...so I won't tell you anything for that. Your portfolio is your status, what stuff you've posted, who's subscribed to you, and who's signed your guest book, which is what we are talking in right now. My Favorites is like your portfolio, except it has pictures that other people have drawn that are in your favorites. If you LOVE a picture, manga, wallpaper, or card to DEATH then when you click on the picture, manga, wallpaper, or card just like when you comment there will be hugs and favorites. Hugs are the thumbs up, if you like the picture then press this icon. The more hugs a drawing has the more popular it is. The heart is for the favorites, click this icon to favorite a picture. And then the thing the most people new to theO are confused about are the Worlds. You can create numerous worlds like your ShyDust's clutter World. Sometimes it's like your daily journal, you can post your fanfics or stories, and you can hold contests on them. They're basically like a really small version of your own website, that's what's so cool about theO! You can create it by going to your backroom, go to worlds, and obviously click "Creat World." And then your avatar, you can change it by going to Profile >> Avatar, and then do whatever they tell you to do. If you are still confused about anything, please ask or e-mail me.
WOW! That was a LOOOOON post! O.O I annoyed my mom by typing so much! ^ ^;
Otakuite | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
Hey can you tell me how to work this thing?? I'm stuck (like always) but seriously, I don't know what to do.
I'm likin' these here smileys
Otakuite | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Whoa that was a long time ago. How the time flies!!!
whoa do those smileys really work???
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/30/08 | Reply
Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hah! I copied you~! ^ ^ Well see ya at school!! ^ ^;