Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/09 | Reply
Just wanted to drop by!
You're an awesome artist and I love your work, it's amazing and your style is EPIC. *two thumbs up*
hope to see more!
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
Hai there! Yay me first sign! *does happy dance* You are a really really great artist. I absolutely love your style. You have skills! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see more from you. -H.K.
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/09 | Reply
Just wanted to drop by!
You're an awesome artist and I love your work, it's amazing and your style is EPIC. *two thumbs up*
hope to see more!
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
Hai there! Yay me first sign! *does happy dance* You are a really really great artist. I absolutely love your style. You have skills!
Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see more from you.