I took the quiz another four times... And ended with unwanted results... I'm okay If I end up with a male character,(I'm a girl) as long as they're not a moron... And... I ended up with two of those...
I don't remember who I got first... But the second time I took it, I purposly got Axel. It's pretty obvious on what you choose to get the results you want. Great quiz though!!!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
I took the quiz another four times... And ended with unwanted results... I'm okay If I end up with a male character,(I'm a girl) as long as they're not a moron... And... I ended up with two of those...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/19/09 | Reply
I don't remember who I got first... But the second time I took it, I purposly got Axel. It's pretty obvious on what you choose to get the results you want. Great quiz though!!!
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/15/09 | Reply
YAYZ!!! ZEXY'S MEH FAVORITE!!!! besides Axel, Saix and Demyx:P
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/15/09 | Reply
mwahahaha!!! Obilivion Mart
tha's funny^^!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/13/09 | Reply
whoot!i got Zexion!!!!XD he's my fav organization member!
gaara is dark
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
i am just like her...sometimes