Kimmeh What Final Fantasy: Dissidia Character Are You?

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90% (197 votes)
Final Fantasy (General) Quizzes
all, characters, fantasy, final, general, kimmeh, personality
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AMYROSEANDSONIC Kazamas-Keyblade Kaiyui Kazuto Morbid Dollie cosplayrocker reichiinya drake who cant fi Ashlorrmull Kami-chan.x3 Akia Aoi killerpit jadeyukicross clueless101 RainMist Takosu Echidna LavanderGirl sim94 sasuke sarutobi4 mkam31 gogelindsey koroyami IchigoKuromaru09 Sabriela Hellena Che TeyQa zukolover08 wolfbabyable cwuzhear selgomz17 prittychica RickHunter33 elveteon ichigo317 karwa Pirena000 TomaKuchiki dakidrel moonlight maiden doggieknight Lady Nana kuroenjeru Lexamiss Yaone sharklover1313 celes87
1 comment

    Welcome, brave warrior. Please choose your side.

    I'm here for Cosmos.
    I represent Chaos, God of Discord.
    I just want to end this.
    He'ho ho, this sounds like so much fun! I just want to fight!

    Now that you've chosen, what is it you fight for?

    To end the conflict of good and evil, and restore peace to our world.
    To show my old man that I'm not just some stuck up cry baby!
    I just want to go home... is it over yet?
    I fight for the safety of my friends, and for treasure, of course!
    I don't fight for anyone but myself.
    I want to push this world into the void of darkness.
    I fight for the fun of it! Ho ho ho, squirm, you little rats!
    Everything is a lie. Humans are pointless creatures, and everyone deserves to die.

    Do you have a weapon of choice?

    I prefer swords over anything else.
    I can wield any weapon you throw at me.
    Would you consider magic a weapon of choice?
    I just like playing tricks on the enemy! So much fun, ho ho ho!
    Anything small so I can move much more quickly around the battlefield!
    I have mastered the sword and magic. I can handle anything.
    Just give me a freakin' weapon so I can get this over with.
    It doesn't matter what I'm wielding! I'll beat anyone who comes at me!

    You've fallen into your enemy's trap. What is your reaction to the situation?

    Stand guard and be prepared for whatever comes at me next.
    What?! That's impossible! I don't fall into traps, I set them!
    What a waste of time. I'll kill whoever dares show their face after such a worthless attempt to stop me.
    I must be strong and get out of this unfortunate situation!
    I don't fall for traps.
    I can't believe I actually fell for one of their traps! I'll never hear the end of this!

    Your enemy charges at you for an attack. What do you do next?

    Charge right back! I can take anyone on, yeah!
    Skip around and watch the enemy make a fool of themselves trying to hit me with their pitiful attacks!
    Take them down with one strike. I don't have time to waste.
    No one stands a chance against me. How dare they even attempt to strike their sword against my skin.
    I can only hope this ends well so that I may continue to fight for my dream!

    Are you beginning to have any regrets for the side you have chosen to represent?

    I have no regrets, ever! I know what I want from the beginning!
    What do you mean side? I don't fight for anyone but myself.
    This is pointless...
    I must fight for my dreams, so I must have no regrets.
    Anything that helps me step closer to my goal of world domination is not a regret! Ho ho ho!

    Do you get along with a particular member of your team?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)
    I get along with everyone!
    Yeah, they're alright... Although I prefer to work alone.
    I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots.
    I don't have a team, I work for my own goals, even if I must use the Gods as my way of succeeding.
    I only tolerate those who stand a chance against the darkness.
    Anyone who's willing to let me have a good laugh and a good fight is okay with me! He he he!
    I'm not even sure if I'm part of a team, I keep losing sight of what I'm fighting for...

    Pick a number that is most significant to you:


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