Has there ever been a character that you've liked for along time? Or is there a character you really like from one particular show or movie? Have you ever wanted to make a wallpaper with your favorite character to show how awesome they are? Well here's your chance. In this challenge if you choose to participate,you are to pick one or two of your favorite characters and make a creative wallpaper with them. You can be as creative as you want and make it however you want. Here are the rules.
1. Make a wallpaper featuring one or more of your favorite characters.They can be from any fandom(anime,manga,movies,music,books,tv show,etc.)
2.Be Creative,you can use any sort of creative style(brushes,vector,blending,etc.)
3.The wallpaper has to be made by you,I don't want anyone submitting any offical wallpapers or wallpapers that you didn't make. Bascially no plagerizing and if you do,you'll be disquallified.
4.Feature the name(or names) of the character(s) that are featured in the wallpaper. Not everyone will know who your character(s) are. Also tell me a little bit about them in the description of the wallpaper.
5. Credit your sources. Give everyone the credit they deserve. Everyone works hard on the work that they do. Also include your signiture on the bottem so people will know you made the wallpaper.
6.Just have fun with the wallpaper and be creative.
Winners will be judged on how well the wallpaper is made and how creative it is. Winners will receive the following.
1st Place: The 1st Place winner will be able to have a collab wallpaper made(which means I can help you put a wallpaper together) of your favorite character or characters.
2nd Place: Two wallpaper requests or two wallpapers of your favorite character or characters.
3rd Place:One wallpaper request of your choice or one wallpaper with your favorite character or characters.
Rainbow Dragon
Who is your favorite character?
- Deadline
- Expired
- Favorite
- 0 members
- Enter
- N/A
- Category
- Other Anime and Manga
- Entries
- 26 entries
- Discuss
- Disqualify Entry
- Challenge completed
- Winner(s)
- The Enchanting Princess ~Mint Dash
Dragon Dance ~KCHuang
Destiny ~bonitachika792
Finally! Follow us on Instagram real quick to get some beautiful anime art in your feed ๐