As many of you Anime fans out there know, this year is the 30th anniversary of the entire "Gundam" franchise. To celebrate, I'm opening a challenge where you, the people entering this, must create a wallpaper featuring a crossover between mecha (giant robots/ships/small vehicles) and/or characters from several/many "Gundam" Anime as the anniversary is for an entire franchise and not of just one specific "Gundam" series/film. Make sure to include a text indicating the event (ex: "30 Years of Gundam" or "Happy 30 Years to Gundam") and include the "1979-2009" sign as part of the text as a reminder that the "Gundam" franchise debuted in 1979. Use what editing style suits you best for your wallpaper piece, but the wallpapers with the best design set up will win!
Good luck to everyone entering, try your best, and have fun!