You know how there are those days where you're really happy, or devastatingly sad, or unexplainably angry, or where you cry out of no where? You can't explain these emotions, right? People ask you "What's wrong?" or "Why are you so angry/happy out of no where?" Where you're in love and you just can't help it?
Well, that's what this challenge is all about!
You can use any characters from any anime/TV show/movie/etc that you want and capture them in their most emotional moment AND/OR add an emotional feel to the wall paper.
Use your imaginations! Go Wild! Most of all: HAVE FUN AND EMBRACE YOUR EMOTIONS!
Maximum Amount Of Entries Per User: 2
.......A Wallpaper and A Fan Art of your choice
.......An E-Card and a Poem of your choice
.......An E-Card of your choice