Hey welcome to my challenge :)
For this challenge: where would you rather be right now whether it's Paris, Madagascar, any country, to be with someone you miss, out at sea, where would YOU rather be?
Now, you might be thinking eh? what's she on about?
so to create this wallpaper just
***put a picture of where you'd rather be,***
***then you must put a picture of an anime character any anime character you chose, ***
***write a quote about that place, or thing.***
example.... if it were about paris:
you could place a pic of the eifle tower for the background, then a quote like "Paris, is where id rather be" something like that, and then choose any anime character you like.
If it was about someone you'd like to be with right now, write a quote about them or a saying.
now RULES:
-^- No stealing -^-
-^- Follow Theotaku's guidelines -^-
-^- give credit where needed-^-
-^-please dedicate it to me -^-
1st place - 3 gifts
2nd place - 2 gifts
3rd place - 1 gift
AND Subscriptions to those who enter!!!!
Any questions feel free to ask