Bambina00 Anime Shows

Hey guys I'm back from my last challenge. I was super happy that it was huge success with many entries. Here's our next challenge: Your Favorite Anime Show.

Basically the title an the little description above says it all. The only thing you need to do is make a wallpaper incorporating your favorite anime show meaning you need to make at least three people or more in the wallpaper of your favorite anime show..... BUT thats not it hahahaha xD

There is a second part you would need to make another wallie thats your favorite character in the show that you made the first wallie.

Yes you would need to submit 2 wallies, but don't worry all of you guys would do just fine.


1. Follow theOtaku rules.

2. No rude or hateful comments.

3. No nudity/hentai.

4. Dedicate it to Coolieo, because I am barely on anymore and we're both doing the challenge together, but I will do prizes (which is my favorite part of the Challenge.)

5. If you read these rules write brownie on the tag.

6. Remember there are two parts to the challenge, if you submit one you have to do the other or it will be disqualified.

7. Write a little explanation on why you like the show and the other wallie write a little explanation on why you like the character.

8. Any questions or concerns write to me in the comments or just PM me :D

9. Have fun!


1st Place: 1 Wallie of your choice, 1 iphone wallie of your choice, 1 ecard of your choice, and a gift

2nd Place: 1 iphone wallie of your choice, 1 ecard of your choice, and a gift

3rd Place: an Ecard of your choice, and a gift

Honorary Mention(If thats the case): A gift and I'll sign your guestbook

And everyone else a shiny medal!!!!!!

Im giving two months because I do have another challenge I would like to do and Im really excited haha xD

Remember to have fun!

2 members Favoritefavorite
neko Misty kitten bakakempachi
Other Anime and Manga
12 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
To Destiny ~ElfDuchess
Judai~ ~Rainbow Dragon
With my Friends ~
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