Snowzi Adults Only

Welcome one and all to my new challenge! ^_^

The point of this challenge is to make a wallie featuring any anime character/s over the age of 18 (we're playing by Australian standards) because there is only so much I can take of watching bloody teenagers saving the world. Seriously if someone had approached me when I was a teenager and said the fate of the world rested on my shoulders - I would have told them to shove it and crawled back into my dark hole filled with anime and horror stories :3

The only restriction to this challenge is that your character choices must be the somewhat main character of that series. So no picking the main teenager characters dad just because hes an adult, unless he plays a major role - no supporting characters here. Any questions shoot me a message and we can battle it out there ^_^

Time skips/future versions may be included.
As are any immortal character ie they look 10 but are actually 200.

Rules - to keep the admins happy:
1. You MUST provide links on everything you used to make your masterpiece. Give credit where credit is due yo.
2. Limit of 2 entries for a challenge that spans 2 months.
3. Follow the rules of TheO I don't want any trouble here.
4. Just because I'm curious as to how many people actually read all these instructions I want you to add 'Adult' as a tag on your wallie and dedicate it to me!
5. Keep it PG13 guys, I know the challenge is called Adults Only (I couldn't resist!) but that's just the title not the classification.
6. Most importantly - have fun guys :)

Prizes - Ding ding ding yay!!!
lst place - I will make you a purdie wallie just for you of whatever your heart desires.
2nd place - I'll send out gifts! Yay everyone likes gifts!
3rd place - I'll sign your Guestbook and call you awesome names.
Everyone else gets a flashy medal because TheO is super swish like that :D

If there are any questions PM me and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can, I'm quite the workaholic so I generally make it to TheO once a day.



3 members Favoritefavorite
Llewyn RosesAndThorns yuko9kost
Other Anime and Manga
2 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Let's Rhyme ~krisoyka
Complete My Fate ~KyraChan
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