Auraelys ~Seven Songs~

Okay, so here's how this works. :)

You can make a wallpaper of any anime/manga/video game/movie/whatever of your choosing. However, whatever you decide to make the subject of your wallpaper has to include at least one line from one of the seven songs I'm going to provide for you.

The other requirement is that you must make your wallpaper available for widescreen computer users (1280X1024) and (1280X800). I know it's a pain (I never do it either), but part of the reason I'm having this contest is because there aren't a lot of widescreen wallpapers out there. (So sad!)

I'll be judging the wallpapers based on clarity, general prettiness (sorry I don't have a better word for that), how much effort I think you put in to it, and whether the song you chose looks like it makes sense on your paper. Be sure not to plagiarize (obviously).

Here are the seven songs you can choose from:
Map of the Problematique - Muse
The Saltwater Room - Owl City
Chaos - Mute Math
Violet Hill - Coldplay
Existentialism on Prom Night - Straylight Run
Soul Meets Body - Death Cab for Cutie
Kill the Messenger - Jack's Mannequin

You can listen to any of these songs for free by going to, if that helps.

So, in summary!
1.) The subject of your paper can be anything of your choosing. One entry only please. ^_-
2.) It must include one of the seven listed songs.
3.) It has to have a widescreen option.
4.) Make it pretty and have fun!

You have two months! :D Good luck!

love, Aurae~

P.S. I'll be picking two winners. :) Just two! Good luck!

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Other Anime and Manga
5 entries
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Challenge completed
Spring Nature Has Coming Again ~Mint Dash
C H A O S ~BabyD
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