Absentminded One (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/08 | Reply
Wow! 8 hours?!?! I wish I had that long to blow on a wallpaper! **only can get on the computer for an hour at the most**
This wallpaper is really good! man! You are so good at making them! **hugs it** Great job!
8 Hours!! Wow, you are so determined! That alone deserves a hug ^_^ Did you say 80 layers?? Gah!! Sounds complicated. i dont think the program i have would let me do a vector (not that i completely understand them...) I'll have to explore dogwaffle one day and learn the instructions. hehe. I like the colours you used ^_^
Wow.....beautiful!..I must ask U for some tips.....U'r second vector? And to me it looks perfect.And yet again U did a wonderful job with colors.It deserves a HUG!!!!
Told ya, told ya! The vectors will keep haunting you 'til you're dead' (like that Raoul person used to say in Phantom of the Opera) XD
I'm totally in love with it! It's gorgeous! Not to mention 10 million times better than the scan! I'm truly happy you decided to vector the image instead of adding a lot of textures to it, it looks better like this.
80+ layers? That's a lot :o Try vectoring with shape layers, there'll be a lot less layers and you'll keep things more organized :)
You're faster than me so no complaining about that XD
I know you'll do more vectored walls, so I'll be waiting :3 *sits down and stalks Kelsey*
Wow!! My friend this looks simply marvelous^^ This only being your second vector I say its simply amazing! I love the purple and the background is awesome! Lovely job my friend!
The Inspirational (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/08 | Reply
It's fantastic. Need to say more?

*hugs* *faves*
Absentminded One (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/08 | Reply
Wow! 8 hours?!?! I wish I had that long to blow on a wallpaper! **only can get on the computer for an hour at the most**
This wallpaper is really good! man! You are so good at making them! **hugs it** Great job!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/08 | Reply
8 Hours!! Wow, you are so determined! That alone deserves a hug ^_^ Did you say 80 layers?? Gah!! Sounds complicated. i dont think the program i have would let me do a vector (not that i completely understand them...) I'll have to explore dogwaffle one day and learn the instructions. hehe. I like the colours you used ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/08 | Reply
It's so awesome looking! I really must watch the series now.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
you know how much I love this XD *hugs* it's awesome!
Anime snow girl
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
GOd this is truley amazing!
The girl looks exactly perfect ^-^
Oh and I like how u mixed the colors together!
Excellent job ^_________^
Drow ranger (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
..I must ask U for some tips.....U'r second vector? And to me it looks perfect.And yet again U did a wonderful job with colors.It deserves a HUG!!!!
Otakuite | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
Wooww this is awesome,and it,s a vector too!! xD xD.It's amazing.The purple colors give the wall a gorgeous touch ^^
It's lovely done Zaku-chan ^_~
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
And yeah, there's a bug with the 1600x1200 resolution. I reported it but nothing seems to be different
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
Told ya, told ya! The vectors will keep haunting you 'til you're dead' (like that Raoul person used to say in Phantom of the Opera) XD
It's gorgeous! Not to mention 10 million times better than the scan! I'm truly happy you decided to vector the image instead of adding a lot of textures to it, it looks better like this.
I'm totally in love with it!
80+ layers? That's a lot :o Try vectoring with shape layers, there'll be a lot less layers and you'll keep things more organized :)
You're faster than me so no complaining about that XD
I know you'll do more vectored walls, so I'll be waiting :3 *sits down and stalks Kelsey*
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
You did a wonderful job!! I saw the original and I like your vector better! Keep up the great work and thanks for all the effort!
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
Wow!! My friend this looks simply marvelous^^ This only being your second vector I say its simply amazing!
I love the purple and the background is awesome! Lovely job my friend!