I'm sending my portion of love for Neuro you can't help but love him, he's so evil...
This wall is sooo good, thankyou, thankyou. I didn't expect to see anything of Neuro here, so this was a surprise (and a very good one)
That's pretty sweet...My friend would just love ya for this wallie. She's got a big thing for that guy. She wants me to check out the series...to be honest I wasn't that interested till I saw this wallpaper. ^-^ I'ma check it out now.
Even if you think ya failed, whatcha did was amazing and I totally love the wallpaper. If ya ask me [which ya aren't, but what the heck xD] ya was successful a hundred percent [well maybe 99%...heh]. Nice Job.
shia e
Otakuite | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
I'm sending my portion of love for Neuro
you can't help but love him, he's so evil...
This wall is sooo good, thankyou, thankyou. I didn't expect to see anything of Neuro here, so this was a surprise (and a very good one)
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/16/08 | Reply
That's pretty sweet...My friend would just love ya for this wallie. She's got a big thing for that guy. She wants me to check out the series...to be honest I wasn't that interested till I saw this wallpaper. ^-^ I'ma check it out now.
Even if you think ya failed, whatcha did was amazing and I totally love the wallpaper. If ya ask me [which ya aren't, but what the heck xD] ya was successful a hundred percent [well maybe 99%...heh]. Nice Job.
Chat Guardian (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/16/08 | Reply