well, the chances are the longer you search for something, the more rewarding it will be. taking the first one that comes along isn't always the greatest idea. it's a very cool wallpaper indeed. i just love the shades of blue that you used, it's very beautiful. i also really like the font you used to spell out his name, and that you put hitsugaya first since it bugs me to have flipped around. although, you probably didn't need to search as long as you did. the third picture of toshiro, the one that's in color, doesn't look good with the rest. or rather, the one that's more colored than the rest, as in the one where his skin looks more orange-ish than the other two drawings. it contrasts too sharply with the other 2 and the color of the wallpaper. that's the only thing i don't like so much. it would have looked better with the same skin tone as the other ones, or to not have it in the wallpaper in the first place. if you ask me, i think the wallpaper is just as good without that 3rd one, even if it had been in the same skin tone. not that i don't think that's a cool pic of toshiro, it just doesn't fit in with the wallpaper is all. there wasn't really much room in this wallpaper for 3 pictures anyway. at least that's what i think, and that patch would be cooler to have the pretty blue background in that spot instead.
Last edited by pirategaara at 2:21:48 PM EDT on August 29, 2008.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/29/08 | Reply
well, the chances are the longer you search for something, the more rewarding it will be. taking the first one that comes along isn't always the greatest idea. it's a very cool wallpaper indeed. i just love the shades of blue that you used, it's very beautiful. i also really like the font you used to spell out his name, and that you put hitsugaya first since it bugs me to have flipped around. although, you probably didn't need to search as long as you did. the third picture of toshiro, the one that's in color, doesn't look good with the rest. or rather, the one that's more colored than the rest, as in the one where his skin looks more orange-ish than the other two drawings. it contrasts too sharply with the other 2 and the color of the wallpaper. that's the only thing i don't like so much. it would have looked better with the same skin tone as the other ones, or to not have it in the wallpaper in the first place. if you ask me, i think the wallpaper is just as good without that 3rd one, even if it had been in the same skin tone. not that i don't think that's a cool pic of toshiro, it just doesn't fit in with the wallpaper is all. there wasn't really much room in this wallpaper for 3 pictures anyway. at least that's what i think, and that patch would be cooler to have the pretty blue background in that spot instead.
Last edited by pirategaara at 2:21:48 PM EDT on August 29, 2008.
Otakuite | Posted 07/17/08 | Reply
that's fresh
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/08 | Reply
very cool! i like it great job! *hugs!