This wallpaper is pretty cool. I like how you incorporated all his different quotes in the background. That's a creative idea. This wallpaper is so cool and Wslasher's vector is so amazingYou did such a great job on this wallpaper and I really like all the red you used. It looks pretty cool. Awesome wallpaper again and you did a great job on it
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/26/08 | Reply
This wallpaper is pretty cool. I like how you incorporated all his different quotes in the background. That's a creative idea. This wallpaper is so cool and Wslasher's vector is so amazing
You did such a great job on this wallpaper and I really like all the red you used. It looks pretty cool. Awesome wallpaper again and you did a great job on it