I really have no idea which anime this character is from to be honest, but this wall is pretty awesome. And the fact that you made it from scratch is just amazing. two claws way, way up.
Your wallpaper is amazing! That's an incredible background!
I don't pretend to be really good, because I'm not, and it's an INCREDIBLE background, but the only thing I notice is the floor. It looks something like a continuation of the wall. If you could pull out the bottom corners some, it might look more like a floor. I dunno, that's just what I think.
I love the wallpaper anyway; it is thoroughly amazing, and I wish I could do that good.
Keep it up!!!
Otaku Archangel | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
Your welcome. ^_^ If you have grief with it not letting you upload again, let us know so we can check for any bugs or glitches. ^_^
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
i tried posting it there but it would not upload for some reason, anyway thanks.
Otaku Archangel | Posted 09/05/08 | Reply
We actually have a category for this show by the way. Evangelion for short. I went ahead and moved it over there for you. ^_^
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/04/08 | Reply
@Silver Garou:
he is from Neon Genesis Evangelion and his name is Kaworu. thanks much from the wonderful comment
Silver Garou
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/03/08 | Reply
I really have no idea which anime this character is from to be honest, but this wall is pretty awesome. And the fact that you made it from scratch is just amazing. two claws way, way up.
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/03/08 | Reply
Your wallpaper is amazing! That's an incredible background!

I don't pretend to be really good, because I'm not, and it's an INCREDIBLE background, but the only thing I notice is the floor. It looks something like a continuation of the wall. If you could pull out the bottom corners some, it might look more like a floor. I dunno, that's just what I think.
I love the wallpaper anyway; it is thoroughly amazing, and I wish I could do that good.
Keep it up!!!
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/02/08 | Reply
I like the clean version ^___^
Very cool wall, you did an awesome job on the wall and I love how everything pops =]
*hugz n favz*