Yay!! ^O^ It's been so long since this has been on kidsWB, or what the call now, the WB for kids. Is it just me, or did their stuff get boring. I hardly ever watch it these days!!
Anyways, I used to love Nightcrawler! He was soooo adorable! ^^
Meow! Cute wallpaper, and thanks for the memories! ^^
Princess Yue
Princess Yue
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
Yay!! ^O^ It's been so long since this has been on kidsWB, or what the call now, the WB for kids. Is it just me, or did their stuff get boring. I hardly ever watch it these days!!
Anyways, I used to love Nightcrawler! He was soooo adorable! ^^
Princess Yue
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/14/08 | Reply
I've always liked Nightcrawler's character--it's so sweet, and this wallpaper proves it! Nice job!