It's actually quite simple you click on the layer and change its opaqueness. Thank you soo much for commenting on a wallpaper from Ai Yori Aoshi. Not many people have, but they were some of my favorite to do. Have an awesome day!
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/25/08 | Reply
Thank you so much. It makes my day that someone likes this series walls enough to comment on it. I posted them a long time ago, but no one said anything. Like you said, it's quite a compliment if someone comments on the wall. THANKS AGAIN. HUGS*
I haven't seen this anime yet, but I love how simple and yet so beautiful this wallpaper is. It doesn't even require words; the picture says it all. I love it ^^
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/10/08 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
It's actually quite simple you click on the layer and change its opaqueness. Thank you soo much for commenting on a wallpaper from Ai Yori Aoshi. Not many people have, but they were some of my favorite to do. Have an awesome day!

twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/10/08 | Reply
it is REALLY beautiful, but i wonderhow u did the transparency thing.....
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/25/08 | Reply
Thank you so much. It makes my day that someone likes this series walls enough to comment on it. I posted them a long time ago, but no one said anything. Like you said, it's quite a compliment if someone comments on the wall. THANKS AGAIN. HUGS*
Otakuite | Posted 10/24/08 | Reply
I haven't seen this anime yet, but I love how simple and yet so beautiful this wallpaper is. It doesn't even require words; the picture says it all. I love it ^^