The Inspirational (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/31/08 | Reply
That's some good team work here ^^. I like the texture it has and yes the color matches just right. Very nice collage, makes it interesting and more appealing since it makes you squint your eyes and look for a certain image that you know of, and it relates with the characters there. I don't know, it just makes it more interesting to look at ^_^. Gosh, I take long to make my point go across XD Lol ^^;
Thanks, Oli-chan. :3 Yup, I tried to tone down the colors with the textures and gradient. XD Didn't want anyone getting seizures! *laugh* I'm glad you like our team work!
This looks awesome, I can tell you both worked on it, your styles are obvious: Kelsey with the textures, and you with the YGO! theme
<3 the textures and the color scheme, thank you for not hurting my eyes with strong colors XD I appreciate it.
Well, you 2 get a well-deserved hug and a fav from me (and this comment) Keep up the great work!
Wow this looks so amazing my friend! I love what you and Kelsey did! =] The background you made looks really fantastic and I love the layers she used with the background, really lovely. You two make a great team! =] I can't wait to our collab wallpaper together^^ Ours is going to be AMAZING! XD Anyways, great job my lovely friend! Keep up the great work on your wallies! =] *hugs*
*high fives* Go us! :3 It took a while (due to in part my laziness, sorry!), but we got it done. ^_^ Thanks for doing the background! I'm glad you liked what I did with it, too~~ It was some work, but it turned out nicely. Yes, the textures and colors go well~ You did well with the collaging!! :D Hehe, thanks again, and good job! ^///^ I see that you covered up the logo down there; nice! I didn't even notice. XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
i very agree with you. its very damn rule for not let satellite people enter the city

but thanks for the wallpaper.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
IMG! Why i didn't see this wall??
It's so cool! I think that it is the best wallpaper of yugioh 5D!
The Inspirational (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/31/08 | Reply
That's some good team work here ^^. I like the texture it has and yes the color matches just right. Very nice collage, makes it interesting and more appealing since it makes you squint your eyes and look for a certain image that you know of, and it relates with the characters there. I don't know, it just makes it more interesting to look at ^_^. Gosh, I take long to make my point go across XD Lol ^^;
Nevertheless, excelent work you two :)
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 10/31/08 | Reply
Thanks, Oli-chan. :3 Yup, I tried to tone down the colors with the textures and gradient. XD Didn't want anyone getting seizures! *laugh* I'm glad you like our team work!
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/31/08 | Reply
This looks awesome, I can tell you both worked on it, your styles are obvious: Kelsey with the textures, and you with the YGO! theme

<3 the textures and the color scheme, thank you for not hurting my eyes with strong colors XD I appreciate it.
Well, you 2 get a well-deserved hug and a fav from me (and this comment) Keep up the great work!
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/30/08 | Reply
Wow this looks so amazing my friend! I love what you and Kelsey did! =] The background you made looks really fantastic and I love the layers she used with the background, really lovely. You two make a great team! =] I can't wait to our collab wallpaper together^^ Ours is going to be AMAZING! XD Anyways, great job my lovely friend! Keep up the great work on your wallies! =] *hugs*
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 10/30/08 | Reply
*high fives* Go us! :3 It took a while (due to in part my laziness, sorry!), but we got it done. ^_^ Thanks for doing the background! I'm glad you liked what I did with it, too~~ It was some work, but it turned out nicely. Yes, the textures and colors go well~ You did well with the collaging!! :D Hehe, thanks again, and good job! ^///^ I see that you covered up the logo down there; nice! I didn't even notice. XD
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/30/08 | Reply
Schweet! Love it!!!!!!!