AWESOME WALLIE! 8DDD That thing behind Allen and Tim is the man-eating plant, Roseanne, that Cross Marian gave to Allen to take care of. Cross then gave it to Krory. Needless to say, the plant tramatized Allen, but not as much as Cross! XD lol I'm such a dork.
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
AWESOME WALLIE! 8DDD That thing behind Allen and Tim is the man-eating plant, Roseanne, that Cross Marian gave to Allen to take care of. Cross then gave it to Krory. Needless to say, the plant tramatized Allen, but not as much as Cross! XD lol I'm such a dork.
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/08/08 | Reply
thank you^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/07/08 | Reply
adorable wallie hugs and fav for you