Wow! Why i didn't see this amazing wallpaper from sola?
I love this anime! And i like Aono! She have very beautiful dress!
I love it! Good work and job!
Amazing!!! Did you submit this on AP, too? I'll have to see. Man, this is great!! You did so well with that b/w scan!! O__O All the details in the ruffles and You're so awesome~~~~
i like it
belive it or not but this is my favret combination of hair color/ eye color
loves whit ehair and red eyes!!![my oc actualy has red eyes and white hair XD]
i love how it shows the dress too
thanks for puting up all the demenshions ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
Wow! Why i didn't see this amazing wallpaper from sola?
I love this anime! And i like Aono! She have very beautiful dress!
I love it! Good work and job!
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/08/08 | Reply
OMG this is total perfect,this is so beautiful vectored and this backgrounf is so original.Oh i simply like it.+fav
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/08 | Reply
awwwww thank you!!!! *happy*
MY GOSH! This is wicked coooooool!!! *bows* this is too much awesome! I must learn from you!!! *bows* what program you use?!! really amazing work!
45 min?!! dont ask me how much i take doing one >_> lol
Last edited by babydensity at 10:12:30 PM EST on November 7, 2008.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 11/07/08 | Reply
Amazing!!! Did you submit this on AP, too? I'll have to see. Man, this is great!! You did so well with that b/w scan!! O__O All the details in the ruffles and You're so awesome~~~~
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/07/08 | Reply
wow its so cute/goth
i like it
belive it or not but this is my favret combination of hair color/ eye color
loves whit ehair and red eyes!!![my oc actualy has red eyes and white hair XD]
i love how it shows the dress too
thanks for puting up all the demenshions ^^
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(