I absolutely love it!!!I love Kaname.as for zero, I never did like him..I felt an immediate distate when I saw him..the first chapter I've read is the forbidden act act..arrgg..oops, soory,.we all have our favorites, nee??
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
OOH! A collage. The expressions work very well. I love that the kiss pic is in the center. The side pic of Kaname is one of my ultimate favorites, too.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/22/09 | Reply
I absolutely love it!!!I love Kaname.as for zero, I never did like him..I felt an immediate distate when I saw him..the first chapter I've read is the forbidden act act..arrgg..oops, soory,.we all have our favorites, nee??
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
OOH! A collage. The expressions work very well. I love that the kiss pic is in the center. The side pic of Kaname is one of my ultimate favorites, too.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
@Clyne Lacus:
i will try and do a zero one but it probly wont be good XD
cant put my heart into a zero/yuuki T_T
^_^ thanks by the way
Last edited by dragonangeluscaim at 10:22:36 AM EST on January 6, 2009.
Clyne Lacus
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
Nice idea to blend the pic!!
My only problem is it's Kaname...XP would be better if it's Zero...^^
Anyway, nice work!!