O__O Megane-Chan? XD LOL! Wow she has the same name as me, just different spelling^^ XD Awwness very cute^^ I love how bright this is and it also creates a colorful feel to it! Very cute^^ Keep up the great work Lys!
I don't think i've ever heard of that series. It certainly looks good when you see it in full, sometimes I just look at wallpapers on this page, but I viewed this at the resolution you recommended - it sure looks lovely ^^ great job with the textures! <3
Cute! Another one from this series. ^_^ I love it~~~~ I really do love the gradients you used. It's very cool. Yup, simple, but I love it!! <33 Nice job~
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
O__O Megane-Chan? XD LOL! Wow she has the same name as me, just different spelling^^ XD Awwness very cute^^ I love how bright this is and it also creates a colorful feel to it! Very cute^^ Keep up the great work Lys!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I don't think i've ever heard of that series. It certainly looks good when you see it in full, sometimes I just look at wallpapers on this page, but I viewed this at the resolution you recommended - it sure looks lovely ^^ great job with the textures! <3
Clyne Lacus
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
Fantastic work Lys

I love how you put gradient... The pic looks even more cheerful!!
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I approve. d^__^b
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
Cute! Another one from this series. ^_^ I love it~~~~ I really do love the gradients you used. It's very cool. Yup, simple, but I love it!! <33 Nice job~