Wow. O.O That must have taken *forever* to make! ^__^ It was definitely worth it though, because it looks AMAZING! I'm not usually really excited about Alice in Wonderland things (lol, I'm afraid the movie scared me when I was little) but there's something about this wallpaper that really makes it look fun and fascinating! *hugs* Great job!
I'm really bad at commenting but when I was looking at all of your wallpapers I figured this one is pretty amazing :3
and I just wanted to make sure you were improving AND YOU ARE!
Keep up the great work!!!
You know that someone truly cares when they brick you like that. -AZ
Crazy Cat Lady (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
Wow Meagan-chan!you did a lot to this!i love the colors!and the textures are so pretty!the pink is really pretty!the word you added at the top fits in so well!great job!
This is the best so far. You really have the art of wallpaper making down. I'm definitely setting this as my background. I love Alice in wonderland! :D
The Musical Fox (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/09 | Reply
Wowzerz meagan! Its soooo beautiful! You know what it reminds me of? Like a really beautiful anime version of alice in wonderland! I absolutely love it! =D Damn im in love with all your art! teehee =3
Wooow this is total beautiful wallpaper,i love so much these colors and the effects.Its so charming and lovely!
I like very your style wallpaper,really excelent!Keep it up!+fav
Oh, it rly is a coincidense we both submited an Alice work! XD Great minds think alike XD lol
this so pwetty!! @w@ I love how the artist portrayed Alice :D u did a great job with the effects and colors~ >u< It is beautiful~<3
Keep up the great work~! ^^ *hugs* >u<
Ohh my!! This is sooo amazingly beautiful!!! You can definetly tell you worked your butt off!lol XD But i really do love the textures you added! Wonderful job! Have a great day. btw this was very sweet of you to make for a friend! I hope school is going very well for you! See ya
This is such a beautiful wallpaper! Your hard work really shines through.:D I love how you used so many textures and, blended everything together so nicely. I'm really impressed.:]
Awwww!! This is a beautiful wallpaper! I love the colors, which are too bright and cheerful to make you sad! I think this is a perfect cheering up gift for Rachel! ^.^
Nnawww! Wonderland <3 heehee. This looks lovely, I really want to see what that site is like... But i'm not on my laptop at the moment, so I wouldn't download anything anyways *sighs*
... I just got a sudden urge to go on GIMP and have a play ^^ mehehe!
I need to look at more of this series... Yes indeedy ^^ And I think you made this wallpaper very pretty, I like the little details, like the candy staining her hair. I hope she can wash it out!
*gasp* too good! just too good, there is nothing more to say except.... OMFG IT IS TOO ADORABLY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i say that pretty much every time. XD staying up to make another wallie? tsk, tsk. GET SOME SLEEP GIRL!!!!!!! >__< great job on the wall!! it all blends in very well. you are becoming a pro at this now. :3
Aww, wow!!! <3333333 Meg, this is so lovely! The scan you chose is soooo pretty, but what you did with it = genius. The textures are lovely. They all go so well...adorabubble? That's a site for textures?? I've never heard of it. *_________* BUT I WANT TO GO THERE NOW. Cause those look high quality. <333 Very beautiful job, meg! Sooooo great!
D: WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?!?! - quote by Patrick, from Spongebob....HOLY CRAP!!! So your new awesome icon is actually of you blind now?! O___O Gosh you're going to haunt me now with this aren't you?!
Awww thank you Nami Care-Bear^^ *hugs*...But D: Oh dear, we have trouble on our know!!! I will make a really bad wallpaper and then when you look at it you will regain your eye sight back! XD YEAH!...
or you could just eat some delicious "regain eyesight" cupcakes I made! :D Tis nutritious!
Katherine Talbot
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/16/10 | Reply
Beautiful work. Simply wonderful, I loved the image, brushes and the texture.
Awesome work!
~ hugs and faves ~
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/25/09 | Reply
Wow. O.O That must have taken *forever* to make! ^__^ It was definitely worth it though, because it looks AMAZING! I'm not usually really excited about Alice in Wonderland things (lol, I'm afraid the movie scared me when I was little) but there's something about this wallpaper that really makes it look fun and fascinating! *hugs* Great job!
Have a great day!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/14/09 | Reply
I'm really bad at commenting but when I was looking at all of your wallpapers I figured this one is pretty amazing :3
and I just wanted to make sure you were improving AND YOU ARE!
Keep up the great work!!!
You know that someone truly cares when they brick you like that. -AZ
Destainy Lost
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/22/09 | Reply
This is phenomenal work! This must have taken as long as you said it did. Good work takes alot of time and you nailed it! Awesome!
*Favs and Hugs*
Crazy Cat Lady (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
Wow Meagan-chan!you did a lot to this!i love the colors!and the textures are so pretty!the pink is really pretty!the word you added at the top fits in so well!great job!
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
8O This is very beautiful. @_@ I got so dizzy reading your description about it. It was definitely worth all the effort you've put into it. @_@
Love Bug =X3
Otakuite | Posted 02/19/09 | Reply
I love it!
roronoa leah
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/16/09 | Reply
This is the best so far. You really have the art of wallpaper making down. I'm definitely setting this as my background. I love Alice in wonderland! :D
The Musical Fox (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/09 | Reply
Wowzerz meagan! Its soooo beautiful! You know what it reminds me of? Like a really beautiful anime version of alice in wonderland! I absolutely love it! =D Damn im in love with all your art! teehee =3
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/16/09 | Reply
Wooow this is total beautiful wallpaper,i love so much these colors and the effects.Its so charming and lovely!
I like very your style wallpaper,really excelent!Keep it up!+fav
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Oh, it rly is a coincidense we both submited an Alice work! XD Great minds think alike XD lol
this so pwetty!! @w@ I love how the artist portrayed Alice :D u did a great job with the effects and colors~ >u< It is beautiful~<3
Keep up the great work~! ^^ *hugs* >u<
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
awww so cute!! love it!*favs*
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
This takes me to another dimension! I feel as if I am really falling down the rabbit hole with Alice. It's amazing
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
wow! You sure did a great job there ^^
It has a mysterious feeling. Looks like her dress is glowing ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Ohh my!! This is sooo amazingly beautiful!!! You can definetly tell you worked your butt off!lol XD But i really do love the textures you added! Wonderful job! Have a great day. btw this was very sweet of you to make for a friend! I hope school is going very well for you! See ya

Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
This is such a beautiful wallpaper! Your hard work really shines through.:D I love how you used so many textures and, blended everything together so nicely. I'm really impressed.:]
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Awwww!! This is a beautiful wallpaper! I love the colors, which are too bright and cheerful to make you sad! I think this is a perfect cheering up gift for Rachel! ^.^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Nnawww! Wonderland <3 heehee. This looks lovely, I really want to see what that site is like... But i'm not on my laptop at the moment, so I wouldn't download anything anyways *sighs*
... I just got a sudden urge to go on GIMP and have a play ^^ mehehe!
I need to look at more of this series... Yes indeedy ^^ And I think you made this wallpaper very pretty, I like the little details, like the candy staining her hair. I hope she can wash it out!
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
*gasp* too good! just too good, there is nothing more to say except.... OMFG IT IS TOO ADORABLY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i say that pretty much every time. XD staying up to make another wallie? tsk, tsk. GET SOME SLEEP GIRL!!!!!!! >__< great job on the wall!! it all blends in very well. you are becoming a pro at this now. :3
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
woah suuuch a gorgeous image! you rock at wallpapers!!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Aww, wow!!! <3333333 Meg, this is so lovely! The scan you chose is soooo pretty, but what you did with it = genius. The textures are lovely. They all go so well...adorabubble? That's a site for textures?? I've never heard of it. *_________* BUT I WANT TO GO THERE NOW. Cause those look high quality. <333 Very beautiful job, meg! Sooooo great!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
The theme of this wallpaper is pretty sad, but I can't help but love it for the detail you put into it! !Muy bueno! X3
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
omg it's beautiful ;_;
thank you so much !!!! ;_; *glomps*
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Wow, I can tell that you worked hard on this one! You did an awesome job! I love the colors that you added, its beatiful!
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Wow. It's really beautiful!

She really does look sad...
Anyway, keep it up!
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
D: WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?!?! - quote by Patrick, from Spongebob....HOLY CRAP!!! So your new awesome icon is actually of you blind now?! O___O Gosh you're going to haunt me now with this aren't you?!
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Awww thank you Nami Care-Bear^^ *hugs*...But D: Oh dear, we have trouble on our know!!! I will make a really bad wallpaper and then when you look at it you will regain your eye sight back! XD YEAH!...
or you could just eat some delicious "regain eyesight" cupcakes I made! :D Tis nutritious!
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
:o Is the blinding a good or bad thing??
The Hero of Time (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
I looooooooove this one!!!!!! You really out did it!
All the colors, the angle- wonderful :D