Yes...Trinity Blood was uniquely beautiful in not only the story but the artwork!! Too bad you missed it! hehe, I loved it so much, I bought all those limited edition versions! It came with Tarot cards!! Uber cool! ^^
Thanx alot! And it's alright, I'm just glad ur able to SEE them! ^^ Thank you for favoriting! I appreciate it!!! ^^
I remember Trinity Blood!!!! I loved watching it!!!!!! XD
I missed some of the eps, but I thought that I could just watched the repeats. Then they took it off the air and I missed so much of it. I hope that they will put it back on, but I don't think they will.
It was SO well made though. I mean it was like a total different Vamp. theme, that you can’t compare it to anything else! It is its own little category.
Great Job KIRA!!!!!! XD
I Love Your Wallies! They are so Cool!!!!!!!
I may not comment on them all but I do favorite them!!!!! XD
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/09 | Reply
Cain: I'll do it...what was that? And a double-shot of Arsenic? *-*
Kira: NO!! I will get it for him! *rushes off*
LOL--I have watched that series like...4 times. I never get tired of it. I just love it! :3
The Advent Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/09 | Reply
Hey, great family reunion. Does anyone mind getting Abel a cup of milked tea with 13 spoonfulls of sugar?
Beautiful image, just as the series. Oh, man, I think I am going to go watch it. Yeah, I am.
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/27/09 | Reply
hehe...a Touching family photo. Surrrre....
Otakuite | Posted 03/27/09 | Reply
All the Crusniks together again.
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
Tee hee. Yeah, I was thinking of a rewatch. It'll be fourth time through it! rofl.
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
I have to watch Trinity Blood again! It's been so long.
And you make wanna see it more!
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
Yes...Trinity Blood was uniquely beautiful in not only the story but the artwork!! Too bad you missed it! hehe, I loved it so much, I bought all those limited edition versions! It came with Tarot cards!! Uber cool! ^^
Thanx alot! And it's alright, I'm just glad ur able to SEE them! ^^ Thank you for favoriting! I appreciate it!!! ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
I remember Trinity Blood!!!! I loved watching it!!!!!! XD
I missed some of the eps, but I thought that I could just watched the repeats. Then they took it off the air and I missed so much of it. I hope that they will put it back on, but I don't think they will.
It was SO well made though. I mean it was like a total different Vamp. theme, that you can’t compare it to anything else! It is its own little category.
Great Job KIRA!!!!!! XD
I Love Your Wallies! They are so Cool!!!!!!!
I may not comment on them all but I do favorite them!!!!! XD