Black Bird from Sakurakouji Kanoko! You won't regret! You can also try from the same mangaka this short series: The King's Pawnshop and Backstage Prince (both enjoyable shoujos!). You can find them all in mangatraders, but as Black Bird is still running, you cand get the last raw chapters at Shoujo's world! Hope you like it!!!!
Otakuite | Posted 11/17/10 | Reply
I LOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS MANGA!!!!! its so good i know i envy her to it would be so awesome if there was a guy just like kyo mmmmm
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
i luv this!!!!! i just started reading it and its rly good =)
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
Thx so much! I'll try it right now!!
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
Black Bird from Sakurakouji Kanoko! You won't regret! You can also try from the same mangaka this short series: The King's Pawnshop and Backstage Prince (both enjoyable shoujos!). You can find them all in mangatraders, but as Black Bird is still running, you cand get the last raw chapters at Shoujo's world! Hope you like it!!!!
Otakuite | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
I like it!! Question: What manga/anime is this? It looks interesting, and I'm running out of good series to read!