That's pretty. ^_^ I like the brushes you used. And the moon you added is cool, too! <33
Now, here's some tips if you wanted to submit it to AP or something. They wouldn't accept it because you didn't create the bg yourself. You added things to it which is fine and works, but because you just put those on top of the original scan, then they wouldn't want it. You could've redone the scan by extracting them and then repainting the bg. :3
But what you have, I like it. It's very nice~ Don't be mad at me please for saying what I did! T__T I'm just trying to help, ok? Giving you some pointers! If you don't want me to, then I'll stop. Good job~
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/16/09 | Reply
finally someone has made a wallpaper with this picture! ^_^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
HAHA okay well go right ahead lol.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
I'm not made angel thanks.
A Diligent Sinner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
OMG, now I want to rape them both! XD
So, wonderful job!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
That's pretty. ^_^ I like the brushes you used. And the moon you added is cool, too! <33
Now, here's some tips if you wanted to submit it to AP or something. They wouldn't accept it because you didn't create the bg yourself. You added things to it which is fine and works, but because you just put those on top of the original scan, then they wouldn't want it. You could've redone the scan by extracting them and then repainting the bg. :3
But what you have, I like it. It's very nice~ Don't be mad at me please for saying what I did! T__T I'm just trying to help, ok? Giving you some pointers! If you don't want me to, then I'll stop. Good job~
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
Beautiful wall
Great job 
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
the ending was so so so sad
Hopeless Romantic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
This is a sweet pic. Nice work!
Mage Labyrinth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
definitely wonderful!
wonderful job!!