Bae Status (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
Candiestripes, u rok my sox off!! thnx sooo much!!! and wat do ya meean be4 u go? does dis mean ur gonna delete ur account or somethin'? dont go!!! not now!!! NOOOO!!! (unless u meant it in a different way) hmmm..
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
I already went on the holiday. ^^
That's why it took me a while to reply back to everyone. ^^
I went to the USA. ^^
Take care,
-When flowers bloom, so does hope.
Bae Status (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
ok...where are you going for a holiday??
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Thankyou Sakura-Chan. ^^
I really appreciate it.
Please don't worry too much about it! ^^
You are just too kind. ^^
Take care,
-When flowers bloom, so does hope.
Bae Status (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
awww. cool
u reallly are the best..hmm wonder if i can make a wallpaper 4 u...hope i can and someday i will...thnx!

Senior Otaku | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Aww thankyou Noir. ^^
I'm glad you like it!
Take care,
-When flowers bloom, so does hope.
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Aww! Your welcome Sakura-Chan!
I'll be going off on a holiday I mean. ^^ Don't worry. I'll never delete my account & leave my friends. ^^ Thankyou Sakura-Chan!
Take care,
-When flowers bloom, so does hope.
Compulsive Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/24/09 | Reply
a very thoughtful sakura wallpaper. it sucks that she never gets as strong as naruto or sasuke. :( but she is good character.
Bae Status (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
Candiestripes, u rok my sox off!! thnx sooo much!!! and wat do ya meean be4 u go? does dis mean ur gonna delete ur account or somethin'? dont go!!! not now!!! NOOOO!!! (unless u meant it in a different way) hmmm..