o_O I've been looking EVERYWHERE for Kazu from this image...now all I need to find is one with Ikki too. *sighs* This is BEAUTIFUL! And I'll snag anyways. Because...hello! Kazu! *squees* But...I think this wallpaper would have been more kickass if you hadn't added the words Mikura Kazu...or at least not in Times New Roman. ^^;;
Otakuite | Posted 06/26/09 | Reply
o_O I've been looking EVERYWHERE for Kazu from this image...now all I need to find is one with Ikki too. *sighs* This is BEAUTIFUL! And I'll snag anyways. Because...hello! Kazu! *squees* But...I think this wallpaper would have been more kickass if you hadn't added the words Mikura Kazu...or at least not in Times New Roman. ^^;;
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/09 | Reply
Awesome wallie!