Nooo, you cannot die my dear friend, oh it's all my fault that bishie is too hot lol_^_ Not saw JS serie yet, but heard this one is good^^ I know Nakajima-san's beautiful artworks very well and agree with you, wonderful art^^ I knew you said there's too many stars lolXD Yes, indeed it's too many, but when finshed this wallie, just was too late for any changes and can't look at that guy longer, cause saw him by all 25 hours (already know how long it took me;) and even had a dream with my hotie bishie last night, btw it was marvelous dream<3
Thanks for everything, everyone, really appreciate it, chu<3
Oooooh my gawd. *__* I'm dying here! He's so sexy! I didn't know a bishie like that existed in Jigoku Shoujo. O__o I only watched one ep of it, lol. XD Awww!!! And the artist of that scan...same as Get Backers and some Peacemaker Kurogane art, right? I love their art so much! So sexy. <333 Very cool wall. Nice and sparkly, though I think there's a bit TOO many stars, lol. Still, really nice~
Otakuite | Posted 08/14/09 | Reply
This is so beautiful
Really love it.
Mint Dash
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/05/09 | Reply
NICE!!!!I like it!
You did great
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/26/09 | Reply
Yep, our new bishie is loveX3 I'm so happy you like it, thank you all very much, take care<3
A Diligent Sinner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/26/09 | Reply
I love your new bishie! XD Great job!
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/26/09 | Reply
The details are awsome. You made a great job.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/26/09 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Nooo, you cannot die my dear friend, oh it's all my fault that bishie is too hot lol_^_ Not saw JS serie yet, but heard this one is good^^ I know Nakajima-san's beautiful artworks very well and agree with you, wonderful art^^ I knew you said there's too many stars lolXD Yes, indeed it's too many, but when finshed this wallie, just was too late for any changes and can't look at that guy longer, cause saw him by all 25 hours (already know how long it took me;) and even had a dream with my hotie bishie last night, btw it was marvelous dream<3
Thanks for everything, everyone, really appreciate it, chu<3
Otakuite | Posted 07/26/09 | Reply
So Beautiful
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/25/09 | Reply
Oooooh my gawd. *__* I'm dying here! He's so sexy! I didn't know a bishie like that existed in Jigoku Shoujo. O__o I only watched one ep of it, lol. XD Awww!!! And the artist of that scan...same as Get Backers and some Peacemaker Kurogane art, right? I love their art so much! So sexy. <333 Very cool wall. Nice and sparkly, though I think there's a bit TOO many stars, lol. Still, really nice~
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/25/09 | Reply
Thanks<3 I'm glad you like it^^
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/09 | Reply
Beautiful wallpaper! XD