your THE only one who commented it lol
well if you like KOF you need to play neo geo battle colisum and like use his awesomness^^
or get ahold of last blade^^
Wow, dude, this is really really awesome!!! I really really like this!! I'd leave a longer comment, but I gotta go....x.x
Either way, this is really really rad!!
sasuke uchia
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/19/09 | Reply
your THE only one who commented it lol
well if you like KOF you need to play neo geo battle colisum and like use his awesomness^^
or get ahold of last blade^^
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/09 | Reply
Wow, dude, this is really really awesome!!! I really really like this!! I'd leave a longer comment, but I gotta go....x.x
Either way, this is really really rad!!
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most