make any words you put in there a few huehs higher then the dominant color ,and youll have to figure out whats the best always depends on style.
thank you so much! i was trying something on photoshop and it turned out like that. i wanted to put some words in there but i couldn't think of anything. If you have any suggestions for words, please tell me.
Air (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/09 | Reply
make any words you put in there a few huehs higher then the dominant color ,and youll have to figure out whats the best always depends on style.
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/17/09 | Reply
thank you so much! i was trying something on photoshop and it turned out like that. i wanted to put some words in there but i couldn't think of anything. If you have any suggestions for words, please tell me.
Air (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/09 | Reply
not bad although it would look nicer with a color blue or something.and it should be more opaque.but it looks good.
nice job!