Oh, and Bleachic, yes, I got the name Azriel from the archangel of death, so you were right on! In one of my fics I have him as a main character with long white hair and tanned skin. He also has silver eyes. But anyways, thank you again for your comment.
Thank you! I am really touched. It took me a few weeks to color him all in, and then add the pics from elsewhere. I will definitely doing more of him. And Bleach, LOL.
The Advent Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/23/09 | Reply
Oh my dear beloved Abel. So, you're Azriel, eh? The Angel of Death? Or perhaps I read too much Blue Bloods. *Shrugs* Oh well. I LOVE YOU ABEL! ♥Your Numero Uno Fangurl Ever! Yep Me! Oops, sorry, it's somewhat hard to control my fangurlism. Anyway, cool wallie. Hope to see more Abel from ya! L8urz!
Otakuite | Posted 04/24/10 | Reply
It really is.
I love TB!
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/20/09 | Reply
horrahhhh fer abel!!!!! the manga's f-ing awesum!!!
Otakuite | Posted 10/24/09 | Reply
Oh, and Bleachic, yes, I got the name Azriel from the archangel of death, so you were right on! In one of my fics I have him as a main character with long white hair and tanned skin. He also has silver eyes. But anyways, thank you again for your comment.
Otakuite | Posted 10/24/09 | Reply
The Advent Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/23/09 | Reply
Oh my dear beloved Abel. So, you're Azriel, eh? The Angel of Death? Or perhaps I read too much Blue Bloods. *Shrugs* Oh well. I LOVE YOU ABEL! ♥Your Numero Uno Fangurl Ever! Yep Me! Oops, sorry, it's somewhat hard to control my fangurlism. Anyway, cool wallie. Hope to see more Abel from ya! L8urz!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/23/09 | Reply
Oh-mee-gosh! he looks soo HOT!!!!!