I chose Living Legacy because it is something that both Cloud and Vincent have in commen... Cloud in a Living legacy because of his greatness and relation to Zack, and what they have done in the story. vincent, I think is a Living Legacy because of the events that happened in his life as well. Also, He practically sacrificed himself to save the world... but he lived through it. they are both a Living Legacy.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/26/09 | Reply
I chose Living Legacy because it is something that both Cloud and Vincent have in commen... Cloud in a Living legacy because of his greatness and relation to Zack, and what they have done in the story. vincent, I think is a Living Legacy because of the events that happened in his life as well. Also, He practically sacrificed himself to save the world... but he lived through it. they are both a Living Legacy.

Otakuite++ | Posted 10/26/09 | Reply
Splendid...this one is brilliant...the way you chose to present them together is great but why Living Legacy?